Representable equivalences are represented by tilting modules
A representation field for a non-maximal order in a central simple algebra is a subfield of the spinor class field of maximal orders which determines the set of spinor genera of maximal orders containing a copy of . Not every non-maximal order has a representation field. In this work we prove that every commutative order has a representation field and give a formula for it. The main result is proved for central simple algebras over arbitrary global fields.
We prove the following result: Theorem. Every algebraic distributive lattice D with at most ℵ1 compact elements is isomorphic to the ideal lattice of a von Neumann regular ring R.(By earlier results of the author, the ℵ1 bound is optimal.) Therefore, D is also isomorphic to the congruence lattice of a sectionally complemented modular lattice L, namely, the principal right ideal lattice of R. Furthermore, if the largest element of D is compact, then one can assume that R is unital, respectively,...
We consider a class of two-dimensional non-commutative Cohen-Macaulay rings to which a Brauer graph, that is, a finite graph endowed with a cyclic ordering of edges at any vertex, can be associated in a natural way. Some orders Λ over a two-dimensional regular local ring are of this type. They arise, e.g., as certain blocks of Hecke algebras over the completion of at (p,q-1) for some rational prime . For such orders Λ, a class of indecomposable maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules (see introduction)...
We apply van den Dries's test to the class of algebras (over algebraically closed fields) which are not representation-directed and prove that this class is axiomatizable by a positive quantifier-free formula. It follows that the representation-directed algebras form an open ℤ-scheme.
Let V be a valuation ring in an algebraically closed field K with the residue field R. Assume that A is a V-order such that the R-algebra Ā obtained from A by reduction modulo the radical of V is triangular and representation-finite. Then the K-algebra KA ≅ A ⊗V is again triangular and representation-finite. It follows by the van den Dries’s test that triangular representation-finite algebras form an open scheme.
On donne une condition nécessaire et suffisante pour l’existence de modules de dimension finie sur l’algèbre de Cherednik rationnelle associée à un système de racines.