The Gelfand-Kirillov dimension of rings with Hopf algebra action.
In this paper we compute injective, projective and flat dimensions of inverse polynomial modules as -modules. We also generalize Hom and Ext functors of inverse polynomial modules to any submonoid but we show Tor functor of inverse polynomial modules can be generalized only for a symmetric submonoid.
We introduce the concept of geometrically reductive quantum group which is a generalization of the Mumford definition of geometrically reductive algebraic group. We prove that if G is a geometrically reductive quantum group and acts rationally on a commutative and finitely generated algebra A, then the algebra of invariants is finitely generated. We also prove that in characteristic 0 a quantum group G is geometrically reductive if and only if every rational G-module is semisimple, and that in...
Let be an algebraically closed field of characteristic , and let be the quaternion group. We describe the structures of all simple modules over the quantum double of group algebra . Moreover, we investigate the tensor product decomposition rules of all simple -modules. Finally, we describe the Grothendieck ring by generators with relations.
Let M be a closed orientable manifold of dimension dand be the usual cochain algebra on M with coefficients in a fieldk. The Hochschild cohomology of M, is a graded commutative and associative algebra. The augmentation map induces a morphism of algebras . In this paper we produce a chain model for the morphism I. We show that the kernel of I is a nilpotent ideal and that the image of I is contained in the center of , which is in general quite small. The algebra is expected to be isomorphic...
This paper studies the Hochschild cohomology of finite-dimensional monomial algebras. If Λ = K/I with I an admissible monomial ideal, then we give sufficient conditions for the existence of an embedding of into the Hochschild cohomology ring HH*(Λ). We also introduce stacked algebras, a new class of monomial algebras which includes Koszul and D-Koszul monomial algebras. If Λ is a stacked algebra, we prove that , where is the ideal in HH*(Λ) generated by the homogeneous nilpotent elements. In...
We determine the algebra structure of the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain algebra with coefficients in a field on a space whose cohomology is a polynomial algebra. A spectral sequence calculation of the Hochschild cohomology is also described. In particular, when the underlying field is of characteristic two, we determine the associated bigraded Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of the singular cochain on a space whose cohomology is an exterior algebra....