Displaying 1261 – 1280 of 3959

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Idempotent States and the Inner Linearity Property

Teodor Banica, Uwe Franz, Adam Skalski (2012)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We find an analytic formulation of the notion of Hopf image, in terms of the associated idempotent state. More precisely, if π:A → Mₙ(ℂ) is a finite-dimensional representation of a Hopf C*-algebra, we prove that the idempotent state associated to its Hopf image A' must be the convolution Cesàro limit of the linear functional φ = tr ∘ π. We then discuss some consequences of this result, notably to inner linearity questions.

Idempotents and the multiplicative group of some totally bounded rings

Mohamed A. Salim, Adela Tripe (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we extend some results of D. Dolzan on finite rings to profinite rings, a complete classification of profinite commutative rings with a monothetic group of units is given. We also prove the metrizability of commutative profinite rings with monothetic group of units and without nonzero Boolean ideals. Using a property of Mersenne numbers, we construct a family of power 2 0 commutative non-isomorphic profinite semiprimitive rings with monothetic group of units.

Immersions of module varieties

Grzegorz Zwara (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that a homomorphism of algebras is a categorical epimorphism if and only if all induced morphisms of the associated module varieties are immersions. This enables us to classify all minimal singularities in the subvarieties of modules from homogeneous standard tubes.

Incidence coalgebras of interval finite posets of tame comodule type

Zbigniew Leszczyński, Daniel Simson (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The incidence coalgebras K I of interval finite posets I and their comodules are studied by means of the reduced Euler integral quadratic form q : ( I ) , where K is an algebraically closed field. It is shown that for any such coalgebra the tameness of the category K I - c o m o d of finite-dimensional left K I -modules is equivalent to the tameness of the category K I - C o m o d f c of finitely copresented left K I -modules. Hence, the tame-wild dichotomy for the coalgebras K I is deduced. Moreover, we prove that for an interval finite ̃ *ₘ-free...

Indecomposable (1,3)-groups and a matrix problem

David M. Arnold, Adolf Mader, Otto Mutzbauer, Ebru Solak (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Almost completely decomposable groups with a critical typeset of type ( 1 , 3 ) and a p -primary regulator quotient are studied. It is shown that there are, depending on the exponent of the regulator quotient p k , either no indecomposables if k 2 ; only six near isomorphism types of indecomposables if k = 3 ; and indecomposables of arbitrary large rank if k 4 .

Indecomposable modules in coils

Piotr Malicki, Andrzej Skowroński, Bertha Tomé (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We describe the structure of all indecomposable modules in standard coils of the Auslander-Reiten quivers of finite-dimensional algebras over an algebraically closed field. We prove that the supports of such modules are obtained from algebras with sincere standard stable tubes by adding braids of two linear quivers. As an application we obtain a complete classification of non-directing indecomposable modules over all strongly simply connected algebras of polynomial growth.

Currently displaying 1261 – 1280 of 3959