Spherical Functions and a q-Analogue of Kostant's Weight Multiplicity Formula.
Let G be an abelian group and ◻ G its square subgroup as defined in the introduction. We show that the square subgroup of a non-homogeneous and indecomposable torsion-free group G of rank two is a pure subgroup of G and that G/◻ G is a nil group.
Given an abelian 𝑉-linear rigid monoidal category 𝑉, where 𝑉 is a perfect field, we define squared coalgebras as objects of cocompleted 𝑉 ⨂ 𝑉 (Deligne's tensor product of categories) equipped with the appropriate notion of comultiplication. Based on this, (squared) bialgebras and Hopf algebras are defined without use of braiding. If 𝑉 is the category of 𝑉-vector spaces, squared (co)algebras coincide with conventional ones. If 𝑉 is braided, a braided Hopf algebra can be obtained from a squared...
Let A be an ultraprime Banach algebra. We prove that each approximately commuting continuous linear (or quadratic) map on A is near an actual commuting continuous linear (resp. quadratic) map on A. Furthermore, we use this analysis to study how close are approximate Lie isomorphisms and approximate Lie derivations to actual Lie isomorphisms and Lie derivations, respectively.
The aim of this work is to enumerate the standard subalgebras of a semisimple Lie algebra. The computations are based on the approach developed by Yu. Khakimdjanov in 1974. In this paper, we give a general formula for the number of standard subalgebras not necessarly nilpotent of a semisimple Lie algebra of type A and the exceptional semisimple Lie algebras. With computer aided, we enumerate this number for the other types of small rank. Therefore, We deduce the number in the nilpotent case and...
Using 'twisted' realizations of the symmetric groups, we show that Bose and Fermi statistics are compatible with transformations generated by compact quantum groups of Drinfel'd type.