Displaying 221 – 240 of 836

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Skewsquares in quadratical quasigroups

Vladimír Volenec, Ružica Kolar-Šuper (2008)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The concept of pseudosquare in a general quadratical quasigroup is introduced and connections to some other geometrical concepts are studied. The geometrical presentations of some proved statements are given in the quadratical quasigroup ( 1 + i 2 ) .

Slices étales

Domingo Luna (1973)

Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France

Slim groupoids

Jaroslav Ježek (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Slim groupoids are groupoids satisfying x ( y z ) x ̄ z . We find all simple slim groupoids and all minimal varieties of slim groupoids. Every slim groupoid can be embedded into a subdirectly irreducible slim groupoid. The variety of slim groupoids has the finite embeddability property, so that the word problem is solvable. We introduce the notion of a strongly nonfinitely based slim groupoid (such groupoids are inherently nonfinitely based) and find all strongly nonfinitely based slim groupoids with at most four...

Small idempotent clones. I

Józef Dudek (1998)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

G. Grätzer and A. Kisielewicz devoted one section of their survey paper concerning p n -sequences and free spectra of algebras to the topic “Small idempotent clones” (see Section 6 of [18]). Many authors, e.g., [8], [14, 15], [22], [25] and [29, 30] were interested in p n -sequences of idempotent algebras with small rates of growth. In this paper we continue this topic and characterize all idempotent groupoids ( G , · ) with p 2 ( G , · ) 2 (see Section 7). Such groupoids appear in many papers see, e.g. [1], [4], [21], [26,...

Small profinite m-stable groups

Frank O. Wagner (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A small profinite m-stable group has an open abelian subgroup of finite ℳ-rank and finite exponent.

Small-sum pairs in abelian groups

Reza Akhtar, Paul Larson (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let G be an abelian group and A , B two subsets of equal size k such that A + B and A + A both have size 2 k - 1 . Answering a question of Bihani and Jin, we prove that if A + B is aperiodic or if there exist elements a A and b B such that a + b has a unique expression as an element of A + B and a + a has a unique expression as an element of A + A , then A is a translate of B . We also give an explicit description of the various counterexamples which arise when neither condition holds.

Smooth components of Springer fibers

William Graham, R. Zierau (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article studies components of Springer fibers for 𝔤𝔩 ( n ) that are associated to closed orbits of G L ( p ) × G L ( q ) on the flag variety of G L ( n ) , n = p + q . These components occur in any Springer fiber. In contrast to the case of arbitrary components, these components are smooth varieties. Using results of Barchini and Zierau we show these components are iterated bundles and are stable under the action of a maximal torus of G L ( n ) . We prove that if is a line bundle on the flag variety associated to a dominant weight, then the higher...

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 836