Displaying 621 – 640 of 1461

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On Nilpotent Subsemigroups in some Matrix Semigroups

Ganyushkin, Olexandr, Mazorchuk, Volodymyr (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 20M20, 20M10.We describe maximal nilpotent subsemigroups of a given nilpotency class in the semigroup Ωn of all n × n real matrices with non-negative coefficients and the semigroup Dn of all doubly stochastic real matrices.

On nondistributive Steiner quasigroups

A. Marczak (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A well known result of R. Dedekind states that a lattice is nonmodular if and only if it has a sublattice isomorphic to N 5 . Similarly a lattice is nondistributive if and only if it has a sublattice isomorphic to N 5 or M 3 (see [11]). Recently a few results in this spirit were obtained involving the number of polynomials of an algebra (see e.g. [1], [3], [5], [6]). In this paper we prove that a nondistributive Steiner quasigroup (G,·) has at least 21 essentially ternary polynomials (which improves the...

On non-Hopfian groups of fractions

Olga Macedońska (2017)

Open Mathematics

The group of fractions of a semigroup S, if exists, can be written as G = SS−1. If S is abelian, then G must be abelian. We say that a semigroup identity is transferable if being satisfied in S it must be satisfied in G = SS−1. One of problems posed by G.Bergman in 1981 asks whether the group G must satisfy every semigroup identity which is satisfied in S, that is whether every semigroup identity is transferable. The first non-transferable identities were constructed in 2005 by S.V.Ivanov and A.M....

On non-periodic groups whose finitely generated subgroups are either permutable or pronormal

L. A. Kurdachenko, I. Ya. Subbotin, T. I. Ermolkevich (2013)

Mathematica Bohemica

The current article considers some infinite groups whose finitely generated subgroups are either permutable or pronormal. A group G is called a generalized radical, if G has an ascending series whose factors are locally nilpotent or locally finite. The class of locally generalized radical groups is quite wide. For instance, it includes all locally finite, locally soluble, and almost locally soluble groups. The main result of this paper is the followingTheorem. Let G be a locally generalized radical...

On normal abelian subgroups in parabolic groups

Gerhard Röhrle (1998)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let G be a reductive algebraic group, P a parabolic subgroup of G with unipotent radical P u , and A a closed connected subgroup of P u which is normalized by P . We show that P acts on A with finitely many orbits provided A is abelian. This generalizes a well-known finiteness result, namely the case when A is central in P u . We also obtain an analogous result for the adjoint action of P on invariant linear subspaces of the Lie algebra of P u which are abelian Lie algebras. Finally, we discuss a connection...

On normal subgroups of compact groups

Nikolay Nikolov, Dan Segal (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Among compact Hausdorff groups G whose maximal profinite quotient is finitely generated, we characterize those that possess a proper dense normal subgroup. We also prove that the abstract commutator subgroup [ H , G ] is closed for every closed normal subgroup H of G .

Currently displaying 621 – 640 of 1461