Displaying 1041 – 1060 of 1461

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On the dynamics of (left) orderable groups

Andrés Navas (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop dynamical methods for studying left-orderable groups as well as the spaces of orderings associated to them. We give new and elementary proofs of theorems by Linnell (if a left-orderable group has infinitely many orderings, then it has uncountably many) and McCleary (the space of orderings of the free group is a Cantor set). We show that this last result also holds for countable torsion-free nilpotent groups which are not rank-one Abelian. Finally, we apply our methods to the case of braid...

On the embedding of ordered semigroups into ordered group

Mohammed Ali Faya Ibrahim (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

It was shown in [7] that any right reversible, cancellative ordered semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group and as a consequence, it was shown that a commutative ordered semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group if and only if it is cancellative. In this paper we introduce the concept of L -maher and R -maher semigroups and use a technique similar to that used in [7] to show that any left reversible cancellative ordered L or R -maher semigroup can be embedded into an ordered group.

On the existence of group localizations under large-cardinal axioms.

Carles Casacuberta, Dirk Scevenels (2001)


Uno de los problemas abiertos más antiguos de la teoría de grupos categórica es si todo par ortogonal (formado por una clase de grupos y una clase de homomorfismos que se determinan mutuamente por ortogonalidad en el sentido de Freyd-Kelly), se halla asociado a un funtor de localización. Se sabe que esto es cierto si se acepta la validez de un cierto axioma de cardinales grandes (el principio de Vopenka), pero no se conoce ninguna demostración mediante los axiomas ordinarios (ZFC) de la teoría de...

On the existence of universal covering spaces for metric spaces and subsets of the Euclidean plane

G. R. Conner, J. W. Lamoreaux (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove several results concerning the existence of universal covering spaces for separable metric spaces. To begin, we define several homotopy-theoretic conditions which we then prove are equivalent to the existence of a universal covering space. We use these equivalences to prove that every connected, locally path connected separable metric space whose fundamental group is a free group admits a universal covering space. As an application of these results, we prove the main result of this article,...

Currently displaying 1041 – 1060 of 1461