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Density of periodic sources in the boundary of a basin of attraction for iteration of holomorphic maps: geometric coding trees technique

Feliks Przytycki, Anna Zdunik (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that if A is a basin of immediate attraction to a periodic attracting or parabolic point for a rational map f on the Riemann sphere, then the periodic points in the boundary of A are dense in this boundary. To prove this in the non-simply connected or parabolic situations we prove a more abstract, geometric coding trees version.

Density of Polynomials in the L^2 Space on the Real and the Imaginary Axes and in a Sobolev Space

Klotz, Lutz, Zagorodnyuk, Sergey M. (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 41A10, 30E10, 41A65.In this paper we consider an L^2 type space of scalar functions L^2 M, A (R u iR) which can be, in particular, the usual L^2 space of scalar functions on R u iR. We find conditions for density of polynomials in this space using a connection with the L^2 space of square-integrable matrix-valued functions on R with respect to a non-negative Hermitian matrix measure. The completness of L^2 M, A (R u iR ) is also established.

Derivative and antiderivative operators and the size of complex domains

Luis Bernal-González (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove some conditions on a complex sequence for the existence of universal functions with respect to sequences of certain derivative and antiderivative operators related to it. These operators are defined on the space of holomorphic functions in a complex domain. Conditions for the equicontinuity of those sequences are also studied. The conditions depend upon the size of the domain.

Description of simple exceptional sets in the unit ball

Piotr Kot (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For z B n , the boundary of the unit ball in n , let Λ ( z ) = { λ | λ | 1 } . If f 𝕆 ( B n ) then we call E ( f ) = { z B n Λ ( z ) | f ( z ) | 2 d Λ ( z ) = } the exceptional set for f . In this note we give a tool for describing such sets. Moreover we prove that if E is a G δ and F σ subset of the projective ( n - 1 ) -dimensional space n - 1 = ( n ) then there exists a holomorphic function f in the unit ball B n so that E ( f ) = E .

Determination of the pluripolar hull of graphs of certain holomorphic functions

Armen Edigarian, Jan Wiegerinck (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let A be a closed polar subset of a domain D in . We give a complete description of the pluripolar hull Γ D × * of the graph Γ of a holomorphic function defined on D A . To achieve this, we prove for pluriharmonic measure certain semi-continuity properties and a localization principle.

Deux exemples sur la dimension moyenne d’un espace de courbes de Brody

Bernardo Freitas Paulo da Costa (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On étudie la dimension moyenne de l’espace de courbes 1 -Brody à valeurs dans deux surfaces complexes  : d’abord pour des surfaces de Hopf, et ensuite pour P 2 privé d’une droite. On montre dans le premier cas que la dimension moyenne est nulle via une borne sur la croissance des fonctions holomorphes faisant apparaître le lemme de la dérivée logarithmique. Pour montrer la positivité dans le deuxième exemple, on relève de la droite à son complémentaire un espace de courbes de Brody de dimension moyenne...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 184