Displaying 61 – 80 of 124

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Blaschke product generated covering surfaces

Ilie Barza, Dorin Ghisa (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

It is known that, under very general conditions, Blaschke products generate branched covering surfaces of the Riemann sphere. We are presenting here a method of finding fundamental domains of such coverings and we are studying the corresponding groups of covering transformations.

Boundary approach filters for analytic functions

J. L. Doob (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let H be the class of bounded analytic functions on D : | z | < 1 , and let D be the set of maximal ideals of the algebra H , a compactification of D . The relations between functions in H and their cluster values on D - D are studied. Let D 1 be the subset of D over the point 1. A subset A of D 1 is a “Fatou set” if every f in H has a limit at e i θ A for almost every θ . The nontangential subset of D 1 is a Fatou set according to the Fatou theorem. There are many larger Fatou sets, for example the fine topology subset of D 1 but...

Boundary asymptotics of the relative Bergman kernel metric for hyperelliptic curves

Robert Xin Dong (2017)

Complex Manifolds

We survey variations of the Bergman kernel and their asymptotic behaviors at degeneration. For a Legendre family of elliptic curves, the curvature form of the relative Bergman kernel metric is equal to the Poincaré metric on ℂ 0,1. The cases of other elliptic curves are either the same or trivial. Two proofs depending on elliptic functions’ special properties and Abelian differentials’ Taylor expansions are discussed, respectively. For a holomorphic family of hyperelliptic nodal or cuspidal curves...

Boundary behavior and Cesàro means of universal Taylor series.

Frédéric Bayart (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We study boundary properties of universal Taylor series. We prove that if f is a universal Taylor series on the open unit disk, then there exists a residual subset G of the unit circle such that f is unbounded on all radii with endpoints in G. We also study the effect of summability methods on universal Taylor series. In particular, we show that a Taylor series is universal if and only if its Cesàro means are universal.

Boundary behaviour of harmonic functions in a half-space and brownian motion

D. L. Burkholder, Richard F. Gundy (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let u be harmonic in the half-space R + n + 1 , n 2 . We show that u can have a fine limit at almost every point of the unit cubs in R n = R + n + 1 but fail to have a nontangential limit at any point of the cube. The method is probabilistic and utilizes the equivalence between conditional Brownian motion limits and fine limits at the boundary.In R + 2 it is known that the Hardy classes H p , 0 < p < , may be described in terms of the integrability of the nontangential maximal function, or, alternatively, in terms of the integrability...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 124