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Boundary functions in L 2 H ( 𝔹 n )

Piotr Kot (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We solve the Dirichlet problem for line integrals of holomorphic functions in the unit ball: For a function u which is lower semi-continuous on 𝔹 n we give necessary and sufficient conditions in order that there exists a holomorphic function f 𝕆 ( 𝔹 n ) such that u ( z ) = | λ | < 1 f ( λ z ) 2 d 𝔏 2 ( λ ) .

Boundary functions on a bounded balanced domain

Piotr Kot (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We solve the following Dirichlet problem on the bounded balanced domain Ω with some additional properties: For p > 0 and a positive lower semi-continuous function u on Ω with u ( z ) = u ( λ z ) for | λ | = 1 , z Ω we construct a holomorphic function f 𝕆 ( Ω ) such that u ( z ) = 𝔻 z | f | p d 𝔏 𝔻 z 2 for z Ω , where 𝔻 = { λ | λ | < 1 } .

Boundary subordination

Adam Lecko (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the idea of the boundary subordination of two analytic functions. Some basic properties of the boundary subordination are discussed. Applications to classes of univalent functions referring to a boundary point are demonstrated.

Boundary vs. interior conditions associated with weighted composition operators

Kei Izuchi, Yuko Izuchi, Shûichi Ohno (2014)

Open Mathematics

Associated with some properties of weighted composition operators on the spaces of bounded harmonic and analytic functions on the open unit disk 𝔻 , we obtain conditions in terms of behavior of weight functions and analytic self-maps on the interior 𝔻 and on the boundary 𝔻 respectively. We give direct proofs of the equivalence of these interior and boundary conditions. Furthermore we give another proof of the estimate for the essential norm of the difference of weighted composition operators.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 124