Displaying 61 – 80 of 90

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Homogeneity of dynamically defined wild knots.

Gabriela Hinojosa, Alberto Verjovsky (2006)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper we prove that a wild knot K which is the limit set of a Kleinian group acting conformally on the unit 3-sphere, with its standard metric, is homogeneous: given two points p, q ∈ K, there exists a homeomorphism f of the sphere such that f(K) = K and f(p) = q. We also show that if the wild knot is a fibered knot then we can choose an f which preserves the fibers.

Homology of origamis with symmetries

Carlos Matheus, Jean-Christophe Yoccoz, David Zmiaikou (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Given an origami (square-tiled surface) M with automorphism group Γ , we compute the decomposition of the first homology group of M into isotypic Γ -submodules. Through the action of the affine group of M on the homology group, we deduce some consequences for the multiplicities of the Lyapunov exponents of the Kontsevich-Zorich cocycle. We also construct and study several families of interesting origamis illustrating our results.

Horizontal sections of connections on curves and transcendence

C. Gasbarri (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Let K be a number field, X be a smooth projective curve over it and D be a reduced divisor on X. Let (E,∇) be a vector bundle with connection having meromorphic singularities on D. Let p 1 , . . . , p s X ( K ) and X o : = X ̅ D , p 1 , . . . , p s (the p j ’s may be in the support of D). Using tools from Nevanlinna theory and formal geometry, we give the definition of E-section of arithmetic type of the vector bundle E with respect to the points p j ; this is the natural generalization of the notion of E-function defined in Siegel-Shidlovskiĭ theory. We prove...

Hurwitz pairs and Clifford valued inner products

Jan Cnops (1996)

Banach Center Publications

After an overview of Hurwitz pairs we are showing how to actually construct them and discussing whether, for a given representation, all Hurwitz pairs of the same type are equivalent. Finally modules over a Clifford algebra are considered with compatible inner products; the results being then aplied to Hurwitz pairs.

Hyperbolic components of the complex exponential family

Robert L. Devaney, Nuria Fagella, Xavier Jarque (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We describe the structure of the hyperbolic components of the parameter plane of the complex exponential family, as started in [1]. More precisely, we label each component with a parameter plane kneading sequence, and we prove the existence of a hyperbolic component for any given such sequence. We also compare these sequences with the more commonly used dynamical kneading sequences.

Hyperbolic Fourth-R Quadratic Equation and Holomorphic Fourth-R Polynomials

Apostolova, Lilia N. (2012)

Mathematica Balkanica New Series

MSC 2010: 30C10, 32A30, 30G35The algebra R(1; j; j2; j3), j4 = ¡1 of the fourth-R numbers, or in other words the algebra of the double-complex numbers C(1; j) and the corresponding functions, were studied in the papers of S. Dimiev and al. (see [1], [2], [3], [4]). The hyperbolic fourth-R numbers form other similar to C(1; j) algebra with zero divisors. In this note the square roots of hyperbolic fourth-R numbers and hyperbolic complex numbers are found. The quadratic equation with hyperbolic fourth-R...

Hyperbolic spaces in Teichmüller spaces

Christopher J. Leininger, Saul Schleimer (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We prove, for any n , that there is a closed connected orientable surface S so that the hyperbolic space n almost-isometrically embeds into the Teichmüller space of S , with quasi-convex image lying in the thick part. As a consequence, n quasi-isometrically embeds in the curve complex of S .

Hyperbolically 1-convex functions

William Ma, David Minda, Diego Mejia (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

There are two reasonable analogs of Euclidean convexity in hyperbolic geometry on the unit disk 𝔻. One is hyperbolic convexity and the other is hyperbolic 1-convexity. Associated with each type of convexity is the family of univalent holomorphic maps of 𝔻 onto subregions of the unit disk that are hyperbolically convex or hyperbolically 1-convex. The class of hyperbolically convex functions has been the subject of a number of investigations, while the family of hyperbolically 1-convex functions...

Hyperbolically convex functions

Wancang Ma, David Minda (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate univalent holomorphic functions f defined on the unit disk 𝔻 such that f(𝔻) is a hyperbolically convex subset of 𝔻; there are a number of analogies with the classical theory of (euclidean) convex univalent functions. A subregion Ω of 𝔻 is called hyperbolically convex (relative to hyperbolic geometry on 𝔻) if for all points a,b in Ω the arc of the hyperbolic geodesic in 𝔻 connecting a and b (the arc of the circle joining a and b which is orthogonal to the unit circle) lies in...

Hyperbolically convex functions II

William Ma, David Minda (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Unlike those for euclidean convex functions, the known characterizations for hyperbolically convex functions usually contain terms that are not holomorphic. This makes hyperbolically convex functions much harder to investigate. We give a geometric proof of a two-variable characterization obtained by Mejia and Pommerenke. This characterization involves a function of two variables which is holomorphic in one of the two variables. Various applications of the two-variable characterization result in...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 90