Displaying 21 – 40 of 125

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Finely differentiable monogenic functions

Roman Lávička (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

Since 1970’s B. Fuglede and others have been studying finely holomorhic functions, i.e., ‘holomorphic’ functions defined on the so-called fine domains which are not necessarily open in the usual sense. This note is a survey of finely monogenic functions which were introduced in (Lávička, R., A generalisation of monogenic functions to fine domains, preprint.) like a higher dimensional analogue of finely holomorphic functions.

Finite and infinite order of growth of solutions to linear differential equations near a singular point

Samir Cherief, Saada Hamouda (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of a certain class of linear differential equation where the coefficients are analytic functions in the closed complex plane except at a finite singular point. For that, we will use the value distribution theory of meromorphic functions developed by Rolf Nevanlinna with adapted definitions.

Finite distortion functions and Douglas-Dirichlet functionals

Qingtian Shi (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we estimate the Douglas-Dirichlet functionals of harmonic mappings, namely Euclidean harmonic mapping and flat harmonic mapping, by using the extremal dilatation of finite distortion functions with given boundary value on the unit circle. In addition, ¯ -Dirichlet functionals of harmonic mappings are also investigated.

Finiteness of meromorphic functions on an annulus sharing four values regardless of multiplicity

Duc Quang Si, An Hai Tran (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper deals with the finiteness problem of meromorphic funtions on an annulus sharing four values regardless of multiplicity. We prove that if three admissible meromorphic functions f 1 , f 2 , f 3 on an annulus 𝔸 ( R 0 ) share four distinct values regardless of multiplicity and have the complete identity set of positive counting function, then f 1 = f 2 or f 2 = f 3 or f 3 = f 1 . This result deduces that there are at most two admissible meromorphic functions on an annulus sharing a value with multiplicity truncated to level 2 and...

Fischer decompositions in Euclidean and Hermitean Clifford analysis

Freddy Brackx, Hennie de Schepper, Vladimír Souček (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

Euclidean Clifford analysis is a higher dimensional function theory studying so–called monogenic functions, i.e. null solutions of the rotation invariant, vector valued, first order Dirac operator ̲ . In the more recent branch Hermitean Clifford analysis, this rotational invariance has been broken by introducing a complex structure J on Euclidean space and a corresponding second Dirac operator ̲ J , leading to the system of equations ̲ f = 0 = ̲ J f expressing so-called Hermitean monogenicity. The invariance of this...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 125