Displaying 661 – 680 of 1782

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Integral representation for a class of multiply superharmonic functions

Kohur Gowrisankaran (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let Ω 1 , ... , Ω n be harmonic spaces of Brelot with countable base of completely determining domains. The elements of a subcone C of the cone of positive n -superharmonic functions in Ω 1 × ... × Ω n is shown to have an integral representation with the aid of Radon measures on the extreme elements belonging to a compact base of C . The extreme elements are shown to be the product of extreme superharmonic functions on the component spaces and the measure representing each element is shown to be unique. Necessary and sufficient...

Internal finite element approximation in the dual variational method for the biharmonic problem

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1985)

Aplikace matematiky

A conformal finite element method is investigated for a dual variational formulation of the biharmonic problem with mixed boundary conditions on domains with piecewise smooth curved boundary. Thus in the problem of elastic plate the bending moments are calculated directly. For the construction of finite elements a vector potential is used together with C 0 -elements. The convergence of the method is proved and an algorithm described.



Séminaire Brelot-Choquet-Deny. Théorie du potentiel

Invariant pluricomplex Green functions

Maciej Klimek (1995)

Banach Center Publications

The purpose of this paper is to present a concise survey of the main properties of biholomorphically invariant pluricomplex Green functions and to describe a number of new examples of such functions. A concept of pluricomplex geodesics is also discussed.

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 1782