Displaying 81 – 100 of 143

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The p-Royden and p-Harmonic Boundaries for Metric Measure Spaces

Marcello Lucia, Michael J. Puls (2015)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Let p be a real number greater than one and let X be a locally compact, noncompact metric measure space that satisfies certain conditions. The p-Royden and p-harmonic boundaries of X are constructed by using the p-Royden algebra of functions on X and a Dirichlet type problem is solved for the p-Royden boundary. We also characterize the metric measure spaces whose p-harmonic boundary is empty.

The restriction theorem for fully nonlinear subequations

F. Reese Harvey, H. Blaine Lawson (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a submanifold of a manifold Z . We address the question: When do viscosity subsolutions of a fully nonlinear PDE on Z , restrict to be viscosity subsolutions of the restricted subequation on X ? This is not always true, and conditions are required. We first prove a basic result which, in theory, can be applied to any subequation. Then two definitive results are obtained. The first applies to any “geometrically defined” subequation, and the second to any subequation which can be transformed...

The Riesz kernels do not give rise to higher dimensional analogues of the Menger-Melnikov curvature.

Hany M. Farag (1999)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Ever since the discovery of the connection between the Menger-Melnikov curvature and the Cauchy kernel in the L2 norm, and its impressive utility in the analytic capacity problem, higher dimensional analogues have been coveted. The lesson from 1-sets was that any such (nontrivial, nonnegative) expression, using the Riesz kernels for m-sets in Rn, even in any Lk norm (k ∈ N), would probably carry nontrivial information on whether the boundedness of these kernels in the appropriate norm implies rectifiability...

The simple layer potential for the biharmonic equation in n variables

Alberto Cialdea (1991)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

A theory of the «simple layer potential» for the classical biharmonic problem in R n is worked out. This hinges on the study of a new class of singular integral operators, each of them trasforming a vector with n scalar components into a vector whose components are n differential forms of degree one.

The successive approximation method for the Dirichlet problem in a planar domain

Dagmar Medková (2008)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation for a planar domain with piecewise-smooth boundary is studied using the indirect integral equation method. The domain is bounded or unbounded. It is not supposed that the boundary is connected. The boundary conditions are continuous or p-integrable functions. It is proved that a solution of the corresponding integral equation can be obtained using the successive approximation method.

The surjectivity of a constant coefficient homogeneous differential operator in the real analytic functions and the geometry of its symbol

Rüdiger W. Braun (1995)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Hörmander has characterized the surjective constant coefficient partial differential operators on the space of all real analytic functions on N by a Phragmén-Lindelöf condition. Geometric implications of this condition and, for homogeneous operators, of the corresponding condition for Gevrey classes are given.

The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary

Dagmar Medková (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The paper investigates the third boundary value problem u n + λ u = μ for the Laplace equation by the means of the potential theory. The solution is sought in the form of the Newtonian potential (1), (2), where ν is the unknown signed measure on the boundary. The boundary condition (4) is weakly characterized by a signed measure T ν . Denote by T ν T ν the corresponding operator on the space of signed measures on the boundary of the investigated domain G . If there is α 0 such that the essential spectral radius of ( α I - T ) is...

The transmission problem with boundary conditions given by real measures

Dagmar Medková (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The unique solvability of the problem Δu = 0 in G⁺ ∪ G¯, u₊ - au_ = f on ∂G⁺, n⁺·∇u₊ - bn⁺·∇u_ = g on ∂G⁺ is proved. Here a, b are positive constants and g is a real measure. The solution is constructed using the boundary integral equation method.

The trilinear embedding theorem

Hitoshi Tanaka (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let σ i , i = 1,2,3, denote positive Borel measures on ℝⁿ, let denote the usual collection of dyadic cubes in ℝⁿ and let K: → [0,∞) be a map. We give a characterization of a trilinear embedding theorem, that is, of the inequality Q K ( Q ) i = 1 3 | Q f i d σ i | C i = 1 3 | | f i | | L p i ( d σ i ) in terms of a discrete Wolff potential and Sawyer’s checking condition, when 1 < p₁,p₂,p₃ < ∞ and 1/p₁ + 1/p₂ + 1/p₃ ≥ 1.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 143