The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal (1997)
- Volume: 47, Issue: 4, page 651-679
- ISSN: 0011-4642
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topMedková, Dagmar. "The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary." Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 47.4 (1997): 651-679. <>.
abstract = {The paper investigates the third boundary value problem $\frac\{\partial u\}\{\partial n\}+\lambda u=\mu $ for the Laplace equation by the means of the potential theory. The solution is sought in the form of the Newtonian potential (1), (2), where $\nu $ is the unknown signed measure on the boundary. The boundary condition (4) is weakly characterized by a signed measure $\{T\}\nu $. Denote by $\{T\}\:\nu \rightarrow \{T\}\nu $ the corresponding operator on the space of signed measures on the boundary of the investigated domain $G$. If there is $\alpha \ne 0$ such that the essential spectral radius of $(\alpha I-\{T\})$ is smaller than $|\alpha |$ (for example, if $G\subset R^3$ is a domain “with a piecewise smooth boundary” and the restriction of the Newtonian potential $\{\mathcal \{U\}\}\lambda $ on $\partial G$ is a finite continuous functions) then the third problem is uniquely solvable in the form of a single layer potential (1) with the only exception which occurs if we study the Neumann problem for a bounded domain. In this case the problem is solvable for the boundary condition $\mu \in $ for which $\mu (\partial G)=0$.},
author = {Medková, Dagmar},
journal = {Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal},
keywords = {Laplace equation; single layer potential; nonsmooth domains; third boundary value problem},
language = {eng},
number = {4},
pages = {651-679},
publisher = {Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic},
title = {The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary},
url = {},
volume = {47},
year = {1997},
AU - Medková, Dagmar
TI - The third boundary value problem in potential theory for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary
JO - Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
PY - 1997
PB - Institute of Mathematics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
VL - 47
IS - 4
SP - 651
EP - 679
AB - The paper investigates the third boundary value problem $\frac{\partial u}{\partial n}+\lambda u=\mu $ for the Laplace equation by the means of the potential theory. The solution is sought in the form of the Newtonian potential (1), (2), where $\nu $ is the unknown signed measure on the boundary. The boundary condition (4) is weakly characterized by a signed measure ${T}\nu $. Denote by ${T}\:\nu \rightarrow {T}\nu $ the corresponding operator on the space of signed measures on the boundary of the investigated domain $G$. If there is $\alpha \ne 0$ such that the essential spectral radius of $(\alpha I-{T})$ is smaller than $|\alpha |$ (for example, if $G\subset R^3$ is a domain “with a piecewise smooth boundary” and the restriction of the Newtonian potential ${\mathcal {U}}\lambda $ on $\partial G$ is a finite continuous functions) then the third problem is uniquely solvable in the form of a single layer potential (1) with the only exception which occurs if we study the Neumann problem for a bounded domain. In this case the problem is solvable for the boundary condition $\mu \in $ for which $\mu (\partial G)=0$.
LA - eng
KW - Laplace equation; single layer potential; nonsmooth domains; third boundary value problem
UR -
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Citations in EuDML Documents
top- Dagmar Medková, Solution of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation
- Dagmar Medková, The boundary-value problems for Laplace equation and domains with nonsmooth boundary
- Dagmar Medková, Solution of the Robin problem for the Laplace equation
- Dagmar Medková, Boundedness of the solution of the third problem for the Laplace equation
- Dagmar Medková, Continuous extendibility of solutions of the Neumann problem for the Laplace equation
- Dagmar Medková, Continuous extendibility of solutions of the third problem for the Laplace equation
- Dagmar Medková, Solution of the Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation
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