Displaying 381 – 400 of 606

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Amibes de variétés algébriques et dénombrement de courbes

Ilia Itenberg (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Les amibesdes variétés algébriques dans ( * ) n sont les images de ces variétés par l’application des moments Log : ( * ) n n , Log : ( z 1 , ... , z n ) ( log | z 1 | , ... , log | z n | ) . Des résultats obtenus par G. Mikhalkin montrent l’utilité des amibes pour l’étude des variétés algébriques réelles et complexes. Les amibes peuvent être déformées en des complexes polyédraux appelésvariétés algébriques tropicales. Cette déformation permet, en particulier, de calculer les invariants de Gromov-Witten du plan projectif et d’autres surfaces toriques en dénombrant des courbes...

An Algebraic Formula for the Index of a Vector Field on an Isolated Complete Intersection Singularity

H.-Ch. Graf von Bothmer, Wolfgang Ebeling, Xavier Gómez-Mont (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let ( V , 0 ) be a germ of a complete intersection variety in n + k , n > 0 , having an isolated singularity at 0 and X be the germ of a holomorphic vector field having an isolated zero at 0 and tangent to V . We show that in this case the homological index and the GSV-index coincide. In the case when the zero of X is also isolated in the ambient space n + k we give a formula for the homological index in terms of local linear algebra.

An analog of the Fefferman construction

Florian Wisser (2006)

Archivum Mathematicum

The Fefferman construction associates to a manifold carrying a CR–structure a conformal structure on a sphere bundle over the manifold. There are some analogs to this construction, with one giving a Lie contact structure, a refinement of the contact bundle on the bundle of rays in the cotangent bundle of a manifold with a conformal metric. Since these structures are parabolic geometries, these constructions can be dealt with in this setting.

An application of multivariate total positivity to peacocks

Antoine Marie Bogso (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We use multivariate total positivity theory to exhibit new families of peacocks. As the authors of [F. Hirsch, C. Profeta, B. Roynette and M. Yor, Peacocks and associated martingales vol. 3. Bocconi-Springer (2011)], our guiding example is the result of Carr−Ewald−Xiao [P. Carr, C.-O. Ewald and Y. Xiao, Finance Res. Lett. 5 (2008) 162–171]. We shall introduce the notion of strong conditional monotonicity. This concept is strictly more restrictive than the conditional monotonicity as defined in [F....

An approximation theorem related to good compact sets in the sense of Martineau

Jean-Pierre Rosay, Edgar Lee Stout (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This note contains an approximation theorem that implies that every compact subset of n is a good compact set in the sense of Martineau. The property in question is fundamental for the extension of analytic functionals. The approximation theorem depends on a finiteness result about certain polynomially convex hulls.

An elementary proof of the Briançon-Skoda theorem

Jacob Sznajdman (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We give an elementary proof of the Briançon-Skoda theorem. The theorem gives a criterionfor when a function φ belongs to an ideal I of the ring of germs of analytic functions at 0 n ; more precisely, the ideal membership is obtained if a function associated with φ and I is locally square integrable. If I can be generated by m elements,it follows in particular that I min ( m , n ) ¯ I , where J ¯ denotes the integral closure of an ideal J .

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 606