Displaying 441 – 460 of 607

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On the Kähler Rank of Compact Complex Surfaces

Matei Toma (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Harvey and Lawson introduced the Kähler rank and computed it in connection to the cone of positive exact currents of bidimension ( 1 , 1 ) for many classes of compact complex surfaces. In this paper we extend these computations to the only further known class of surfaces not considered by them, that of Kato surfaces. Our main tool is the reduction to the dynamics of associated holomorphic contractions ( 2 , 0 ) ( 2 , 0 ) .

On the local meromorphic extension of CR meromorphic mappings

Joël Merker, Egmont Porten (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let M be a generic CR submanifold in m + n , m = CR dim M ≥ 1, n = codim M ≥ 1, d = dim M = 2m + n. A CR meromorphic mapping (in the sense of Harvey-Lawson) is a triple ( f , f , [ Γ f ] ) , where: 1) f : f Y is a ¹-smooth mapping defined over a dense open subset f of M with values in a projective manifold Y; 2) the closure Γ f of its graph in m + n × Y defines an oriented scarred ¹-smooth CR manifold of CR dimension m (i.e. CR outside a closed thin set) and 3) d [ Γ f ] = 0 in the sense of currents. We prove that ( f , f , [ Γ f ] ) extends meromorphically to a wedge...

On the Łojasiewicz exponent of the gradient of a holomorphic function

Andrzej Lenarcik (1998)

Banach Center Publications

The Łojasiewicz exponent of the gradient of a convergent power series h(X,Y) with complex coefficients is the greatest lower bound of the set of λ > 0 such that the inequality | g r a d h ( x , y ) | c | ( x , y ) | λ holds near 0 C 2 for a certain c > 0. In the paper, we give an estimate of the Łojasiewicz exponent of grad h using information from the Newton diagram of h. We obtain the exact value of the exponent for non-degenerate series.

Currently displaying 441 – 460 of 607