Displaying 61 – 80 of 177

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Filtration de Harder-Narasimhan pour des fibrés complexes ou des faisceaux sans torsion

Laurent Bruasse (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

On généralise dans cet article la notion de filtration de Harder-Narasimhan au cas des fibrés complexes sur une variété presque complexe compacte d'une part, et au cas des faisceaux cohérents sans torsion sur une variété holomorphe d'autre part. On démontre, dans les deux cas, l'existence d'un déstabilisant maximal. On obtient un théorème de convergence en famille et par là-même l'ouverture de la stabilité en déformation.

Finite determinacy of dicritical singularities in ( 2 , 0 )

Gabriel Calsamiglia-Mendlewicz (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

For germs of singularities of holomorphic foliations in ( 2 , 0 ) which are regular after one blowing-up we show that there exists a functional analytic invariant (the transverse structure to the exceptional divisor) and a finite number of numerical parameters that allow us to decide whether two such singularities are analytically equivalent. As a result we prove a formal-analytic rigidity theorem for this kind of singularities.

Finite rank commutators of Toeplitz operators on the bidisk

Young Joo Lee (2012)

Studia Mathematica

We study some algebraic properties of commutators of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space of the bidisk. First, for two symbols where one is arbitrary and the other is (co-)analytic with respect to one fixed variable, we show that there is no nontrivial finite rank commutator. Also, for two symbols with separated variables, we prove that there is no nontrivial finite rank commutator or compact commutator in certain cases.

Finitely generated ideals in A ( ω )

John Erik Fornaess, M. Ovrelid (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The Gleason problem is solved on real analytic pseudoconvex domains in C 2 . In this case the weakly pseudoconvex points can be a two-dimensional subset of the boundary. To reduce the Gleason problem to a question it is shown that the set of Kohn-Nirenberg points is at most one-dimensional. In fact, except for a one-dimensional subset, the weakly pseudoconvex boundary points are R -points as studied by Range and therefore allow local sup-norm estimates for .

Finiteness of meromorphic functions on an annulus sharing four values regardless of multiplicity

Duc Quang Si, An Hai Tran (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

This paper deals with the finiteness problem of meromorphic funtions on an annulus sharing four values regardless of multiplicity. We prove that if three admissible meromorphic functions f 1 , f 2 , f 3 on an annulus 𝔸 ( R 0 ) share four distinct values regardless of multiplicity and have the complete identity set of positive counting function, then f 1 = f 2 or f 2 = f 3 or f 3 = f 1 . This result deduces that there are at most two admissible meromorphic functions on an annulus sharing a value with multiplicity truncated to level 2 and...

Finiteness problems on Nash manifolds and Nash sets

José F. Fernando, José Manuel Gamboa, Jesús M. Ruiz (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study here several finiteness problems concerning affine Nash manifolds M and Nash subsets X . Three main results are: (i) A Nash function on a semialgebraic subset Z of M has a Nash extension to an open semialgebraic neighborhood of Z in M , (ii) A Nash set X that has only normal crossings in M can be covered by finitely many open semialgebraic sets U equipped with Nash diffeomorphisms ( u 1 , , u m ) : U m such that U X = { u 1 u r = 0 } , (iii) Every affine Nash manifold with corners N is a closed subset of an affine Nash manifold...

Finiteness property for generalized abelian integrals

Rémi Soufflet (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the integrals of real functions which are finite compositions of globally subanalytic maps and real power functions. These functions have finiteness properties very similar to those of subanalytic functions. Our aim is to investigate how such finiteness properties can remain when taking the integrals of such functions. The main result is that for almost all power maps arising in a x λ -function, its integration leads to a non-oscillating function. This can be seen as a generalization of Varchenko...

Finiteness results for Teichmüller curves

Martin Möller (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that for each genus there are only finitely many algebraically primitive Teichmüller curves C , such that (i) C lies in the hyperelliptic locus and (ii) C is generated by an abelian differential with two zeros of order g - 1 . We prove moreover that for these Teichmüller curves the trace field of the affine group is not only totally real but cyclotomic.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 177