Displaying 121 – 140 of 480

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Solutions d'un système d'équations analytiques réelles et applications

Jean-Claude Tougeron (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On démontre que toute solution formelle y ( x ) d’un système d’équations analytiques réelles (resp. polynomiales réelles) f ( x , y ) = 0 , se relève en une solution C homotope à une solution analytique (resp. à une solution de Nash) aussi proche que l’on veut de y ( x ) pour la topologie de Krull. On utilise ce théorème pour démontrer l’algébricité (ou l’analyticité) de certains idéaux de R { x } (ou R [ [ x ] ] ), et aussi pour construire des déformations analytiques de germes d’ensembles analytiques en germes d’ensembles de Nash.

Solutions to a class of polynomially generalized Bers–Vekua equations using Clifford analysis

Min Ku, Uwe Kähler, Paula Cerejeiras (2012)

Archivum Mathematicum

In this paper a class of polynomially generalized Vekua–type equations and of polynomially generalized Bers–Vekua equations with variable coefficients defined in a domain of Euclidean space are discussed. Using the methods of Clifford analysis, first the Fischer–type decomposition theorems for null solutions to these equations are obtained. Then we give, under some conditions, the solutions to the polynomially generalized Bers–Vekua equation with variable coefficients. Finally, we present the structure...

Solvable Lie algebras and the embedding of CR manifolds

C. Denson Hill, Mauro Nacinovich (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo lavoro si dà un criterio sufficiente per l'immersione di una varietà CR astratta di codimensione arbitraria in una di codimensione CR più bassa. La condizione trovata è necessaria per l'immersione in una varietà complessa (codimensione CR uguale a zero). Essa è formulata in termini dell'esistenza di una sottoalgebra di Lie di campi di vettori complessi trasversale alla distribuzione di Cauchy-Riemann.

Solving power series equations. II. Change of ground field

Joseph Becker (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the effect of changing the residue field, on the topological properties of local algebra homomorphisms of analytic algebras (quotients of convergent power series rings). Although injectivity is not preserved, openness and closedness in the Krull topology, simple topology, and inductive topology is preserved.

Some applications of a new integral formula for ̅ b

Moulay-Youssef Barkatou (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let M be a smooth q-concave CR submanifold of codimension k in n . We solve locally the ̅ b -equation on M for (0,r)-forms, 0 ≤ r ≤ q-1 or n-k-q+1 ≤ r ≤ n-k, with sharp interior estimates in Hölder spaces. We prove the optimal regularity of the ̅ b -operator on (0,q)-forms in the same spaces. We also obtain L p estimates at top degree. We get a jump theorem for (0,r)-forms (r ≤ q-2 or r ≥ n-k-q+1) which are CR on a smooth hypersurface of M. We prove some generalizations of the Hartogs-Bochner-Henkin extension...

Some applications of the theory of harmonic integrals

Shin-ichi Matsumura (2015)

Complex Manifolds

In this survey, we present recent techniques on the theory of harmonic integrals to study the cohomology groups of the adjoint bundle with the multiplier ideal sheaf of singular metrics. As an application, we give an analytic version of the injectivity theorem.

Some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions in Cn.

Alessandro Perotti (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we investigate some applications of the trace condition for pluriharmonic functions on a smooth, bounded domain in Cn. This condition, related to the normal component on ∂D of the ∂-operator, permits us to study the Neumann problem for pluriharmonic functions and the ∂-problem for (0,1)-forms on D with solutions having assigned real part on the boundary.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 480