Displaying 161 – 180 of 198

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Resultant and the Łojasiewicz exponent

J. Chądzyński, T. Krasiński (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

An effective formula for the Łojasiewicz exponent of a polynomial mapping of ℂ² into ℂ² at an isolated zero in terms of the resultant of its components is given.

Réversibilité et classification des centres nilpotents

Michel Berthier, Robert Moussu (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous considérons un germe ω de 1-forme analytique dans 2 , 0 dont le 1-jet est y d y . Nous montrons que si l’équation ω = 0 définit un centre (i.e toutes les courbes solutions sont des cycles) il existe une involution analytique de 2 , 0 préservant le portrait de phase du système. Géométriquement ceci signifie que les centres analytiques nilpotents sont obtenus par image réciproque par des applications pli. Un théorème de conjugaison équivariante permet d’obtenir une classification complète de ces centres.

Riemann mapping theorem in ℂⁿ

Krzysztof Jarosz (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The classical Riemann Mapping Theorem states that a nontrivial simply connected domain Ω in ℂ is holomorphically homeomorphic to the open unit disc 𝔻. We also know that "similar" one-dimensional Riemann surfaces are "almost" holomorphically equivalent. We discuss the same problem concerning "similar" domains in ℂⁿ in an attempt to find a multidimensional quantitative version of the Riemann Mapping Theorem

Riemann maps in almost complex manifolds

Bernard Coupet, Hervé Gaussier, Alexandre Sukhov (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove the existence of stationary discs in the ball for small almost complex deformations of the standard structure. We define a local analogue of the Riemann map and establish its main properties. These constructions are applied to study the local geometry of almost complex manifolds and their morphisms.

Riemann surfaces in Stein manifolds with the Density property

Rafael B. Andrist, Erlend Fornæss Wold (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that any open Riemann surface can be properly immersed in any Stein manifold with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 2. If the dimension is at least 3, we can actually choose this immersion to be an embedding. As an application, we show that Stein manifolds with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 3, are characterized among all other complex manifolds by their semigroup of holomorphic endomorphisms.

Riemann surfaces with boundary and natural triangulations of the Teichmüller space

Gabriele Mondello (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We compare some natural triangulations of the Teichmüller space of hyperbolic surfaces with geodesic boundary and of some bordifications. We adapt Scannell–Wolf’s proof to show that grafting semi-infinite cylinders at the ends of hyperbolic surfaces with fixed boundary lengths is a homeomorphism. This way, we construct a family of equivariant triangulations of the Teichmüller space of punctured surfaces that interpolates between Bowditch–Epstein–Penner’s (using the spine construction) and Harer–Mumford–Thurston’s...

Riesz transforms for Dunkl transform

Bechir Amri, Mohamed Sifi (2012)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper we obtain the L p -boundedness of Riesz transforms for the Dunkl transform for all 1 < p < .

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 198