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Rigidity of CR morphisms between compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds

Stephen S.-T. Yau (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let X 1 and X 2 be two compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds of dimension 2 n - 1 5 which bound complex varieties V 1 and V 2 with only isolated normal singularities in N 1 and N 2 respectively. Let S 1 and S 2 be the singular sets of V 1 and V 2 respectively and S 2 is nonempty. If 2 n - N 2 - 1 1 and the cardinality of S 1 is less than 2 times the cardinality of S 2 , then we prove that any non-constant CR morphism from X 1 to X 2 is necessarily a CR biholomorphism. On the other hand, let X be a compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold of...

Rigidity of the holomorphic automorphism of the generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domains

Ting Guo, Zhiming Feng, Enchao Bi (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study a class of typical Hartogs domains which is called a generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain D n , m p ( μ ) . The generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain is defined by inequality e μ z 2 j = 1 m | ω j | 2 p < 1 , where ( z , ω ) n × m . In this paper, we will establish a rigidity of its holomorphic automorphism group. Our results imply that a holomorphic self-mapping of the generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain D n , m p ( μ ) becomes a holomorphic automorphism if and only if it keeps the function j = 1 m | ω j | 2 p e μ z 2 invariant.

Robin functions and extremal functions

T. Bloom, N. Levenberg, S. Ma'u (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Given a compact set K N , for each positive integer n, let V ( n ) ( z ) = V K ( n ) ( z ) := sup 1 / ( d e g p ) V p ( K ) ( p ( z ) ) : p holomorphic polynomial, 1 ≤ deg p ≤ n. These “extremal-like” functions V K ( n ) are essentially one-variable in nature and always increase to the “true” several-variable (Siciak) extremal function, V K ( z ) := max[0, sup1/(deg p) log|p(z)|: p holomorphic polynomial, | | p | | K 1 ]. Our main result is that if K is regular, then all of the functions V K ( n ) are continuous; and their associated Robin functions ϱ V K ( n ) ( z ) : = l i m s u p | λ | [ V K ( n ) ( λ z ) - l o g ( | λ | ) ] increase to ϱ K : = ϱ V K for all z outside a pluripolar set....

Runge families and inductive limits of Stein spaces

Andrew Markoe (1977)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The general Stein union problem is solved: given an increasing sequence of Stein open sets, it is shown that the union X is Stein if and only if H 1 ( X , O X ) is Hausdorff separated.

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