Rigid subanalytic sets
Let and be two compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds of dimension which bound complex varieties and with only isolated normal singularities in and respectively. Let and be the singular sets of and respectively and is nonempty. If and the cardinality of is less than 2 times the cardinality of , then we prove that any non-constant CR morphism from to is necessarily a CR biholomorphism. On the other hand, let be a compact strongly pseudoconvex CR manifold of...
We study a class of typical Hartogs domains which is called a generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain . The generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain is defined by inequality , where . In this paper, we will establish a rigidity of its holomorphic automorphism group. Our results imply that a holomorphic self-mapping of the generalized Fock-Bargmann-Hartogs domain becomes a holomorphic automorphism if and only if it keeps the function invariant.
Given a compact set , for each positive integer n, let = := sup: p holomorphic polynomial, 1 ≤ deg p ≤ n. These “extremal-like” functions are essentially one-variable in nature and always increase to the “true” several-variable (Siciak) extremal function, := max[0, sup1/(deg p) log|p(z)|: p holomorphic polynomial, ]. Our main result is that if K is regular, then all of the functions are continuous; and their associated Robin functions increase to for all z outside a pluripolar set....
The general Stein union problem is solved: given an increasing sequence of Stein open sets, it is shown that the union is Stein if and only if is Hausdorff separated.
A necessary and sufficient condition, which is a weak converse of a classical theorem of Behnke-Stein, in order that a limit of Stein spaces be again a Stein space is proved.