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Real commutative algebra. III. Dedekind-Weber-Riemann manifolds.

D. W. Dubois, A. Bukowski (1980)

Revista Matemática Hispanoamericana

The space S of all non-trivial real places on a real function field K|k of trascendence degree one, endowed with a natural topology analogous to that of Dedekind and Weber's Riemann surface, is shown to be a one-dimensional k-analytic manifold, which is homeomorphic with every bounded non-singular real affine model of K|k. The ground field k is an arbitrary ordered, real-closed Cantor field (definition below). The function field K|k is thereby represented as a field of real mappings of S which might...

Regular analytic transformations of 2

Joseph Gubeladze (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Existence of loops for non-injective regular analytic transformations of the real plane is shown. As an application, a criterion for injectivity of a regular analytic transformation of 2 in terms of the Jacobian and the first and second order partial derivatives is obtained. This criterion is new even in the special case of polynomial transformations.

Section spaces of real analytic vector bundles and a theorem of Grothendieck and Poly

Dietmar Vogt (2010)

Banach Center Publications

The structure of the section space of a real analytic vector bundle on a real analytic manifold X is studied. This is used to improve a result of Grothendieck and Poly on the zero spaces of elliptic operators and to extend a result of Domański and the author on the non-existence of bases to the present case.

Singular Levi-flat hypersurfaces and codimension one foliations

Marco Brunella (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We study Levi-flat real analytic hypersurfaces with singularities. We prove that the Levi foliation on the regular part of the hypersurface can be holomorphically extended, in a suitable sense, to neighbourhoods of singular points.

Special normal form of a hyperbolic CR-manifold in ℂ⁴

Vladimir V. Ežov, Gerd Schmalz (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a special normal form for a non-semiquadratic hyperbolic CR-manifold M of codimension 2 in ℂ⁴, i.e., a construction of coordinates where the equation of M satisfies certain conditions. The coordinates are determined up to a linear coordinate change.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 115