Displaying 21 – 40 of 128

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Characterization of global Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions for algebraic varieties by limit varieties only

Rüdiger W. Braun, Reinhold Meise, B. A. Taylor (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

For algebraic surfaces, several global Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions are characterized in terms of conditions on their limit varieties. This shows that the hyperbolicity conditions that appeared in earlier geometric characterizations are redundant. The result is applied to the problem of existence of a continuous linear right inverse for constant coefficient partial differential operators in three variables in Beurling classes of ultradifferentiable functions.

Chebyshev and Robin constants on algebraic curves

Jesse Hart, Sione Ma`u (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We define directional Robin constants associated to a compact subset of an algebraic curve. We show that these constants satisfy an upper envelope formula given by polynomials. We use this formula to relate the directional Robin constants of the set to its directional Chebyshev constants. These constants can be used to characterize algebraic curves on which the Siciak-Zaharjuta extremal function is harmonic.

Closure Theorem for Partially Semialgebraic Sets

María-Angeles Zurro (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In 1988 it was proved by the first author that the closure of a partially semialgebraic set is partially semialgebraic. The essential tool used in that proof was the regular separation property. Here we give another proof without using this tool, based on the semianalytic L-cone theorem (Theorem 2), a semianalytic analog of the Cartan-Remmert-Stein lemma with parameters.

Construction d’hypersurfaces irréductibles avec lieu singulier donné dans n

Jean-Pierre Demailly (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Étant donné un ensemble analytique S de codimension 2 dans C n , nous construisons des hypersurfaces irréductibles de lieu singulier S , avec contrôle de la croissance. À partir d’un contre-exemple au problème de Bezout transcendant, dû à M. Cornalba et B. Shiffman, nous montrons l’existence d’une courbe irréductible d’ordre 0 dans C 2 , dont le lieu singulier est d’ordre infini. Nous étudions également en application certaines propriétés arithmétiques de l’anneau de convolution ' ( R n ) .

Convergence of holomorphic chains

Sławomir Rams (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We endow the module of analytic p-chains with the structure of a second-countable metrizable topological space.

Courants algébriques et courants de Liouville

M. Blel, S. K. Mimouni, G. Raby (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We define in ℂⁿ the concepts of algebraic currents and Liouville currents, thus extending the concepts of algebraic complex subsets and Liouville subsets. After having shown that every algebraic current is Liouville, we characterize those positive closed currents on ℂⁿ which are algebraic. Let T be a closed positive current on ℂⁿ. We give sufficient conditions, relating to the growth of the projective mass of T, so that T is Liouville. These results generalize those previously obtained by N. Sibony...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 128