Displaying 61 – 80 of 100

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On the complexification of real-analytic polynomial mappings of ℝ²

Ewa Ligocka (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give a simple algebraic condition on the leading homogeneous term of a polynomial mapping from ℝ² into ℝ² which is equivalent to the fact that the complexification of this mapping can be extended to a polynomial endomorphism of ℂℙ². We also prove that this extension acts on ℂℙ²∖ℂ² as a quotient of finite Blaschke products.

On the CR-structure of certain linear group orbits in infinite dimensions

Wilhelm Kaup (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

For large classes of complex Banach spaces (mainly operator spaces) we consider orbits of finite rank elements under the group of linear isometries. These are (in general) real-analytic submanifolds of infinite dimension but of finite CR-codimension. We compute the polynomial convex hull of such orbits  M explicitly and show as main result that every continuous CR-function on  M has a unique extension to the polynomial convex hull which is holomorphic in a certain sense. This generalizes to infinite...

On the existence of parabolic actions in convex domains of k + 1

François Berteloot, Ninh Van Thu (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove that the one-parameter group of holomorphic automorphisms induced on a strictly geometrically bounded domain by a biholomorphism with a model domain is parabolic. This result is related to the Greene-Krantz conjecture and more generally to the classification of domains having a non compact automorphisms group. The proof relies on elementary estimates on the Kobayashi pseudo-metric.

On the mapping problem for algebraic real hypersurfaces in the complex spaces of different dimensions

Xiaojun Huang (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper, we show that if M 1 and M 2 are algebraic real hypersurfaces in (possibly different) complex spaces of dimension at least two and if f is a holomorphic mapping defined near a neighborhood of M 1 so that f ( M 1 ) M 2 , then f is also algebraic. Our proof is based on a careful analysis on the invariant varieties and reduces to the consideration of many cases. After a slight modification, the argument is also used to prove a reflection principle, which allows our main result to be stated for mappings...

On topological classification of complex mappings

Hadi Seyedinejad, Ali Zaghian (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study the topological invariant ϕ of Kwieciński and Tworzewski, particularly beyond the case of mappings with smooth targets. We derive a lower bound for ϕ of a general mapping, which is similarly effective as the upper bound given by Kwieciński and Tworzewski. Some classes of mappings are identified for which the exact value of ϕ can be computed. Also, we prove that the variation of ϕ on the source space of a mapping with a smooth target is semicontinuous in the Zariski topology.

Proper holomorphic self-mappings of the minimal ball

Nabil Ourimi (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

The purpose of this paper is to prove that proper holomorphic self-mappings of the minimal ball are biholomorphic. The proof uses the scaling technique applied at a singular point and relies on the fact that a proper holomorphic mapping f: D → Ω with branch locus V f is factored by automorphisms if and only if f * ( π ( D f - 1 ( f ( V f ) ) , x ) ) is a normal subgroup of π ( Ω f ( V f ) , b ) for some b Ω f ( V f ) and x f - 1 ( b ) .

Riemann maps in almost complex manifolds

Bernard Coupet, Hervé Gaussier, Alexandre Sukhov (2003)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove the existence of stationary discs in the ball for small almost complex deformations of the standard structure. We define a local analogue of the Riemann map and establish its main properties. These constructions are applied to study the local geometry of almost complex manifolds and their morphisms.

Riemann surfaces in Stein manifolds with the Density property

Rafael B. Andrist, Erlend Fornæss Wold (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We show that any open Riemann surface can be properly immersed in any Stein manifold with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 2. If the dimension is at least 3, we can actually choose this immersion to be an embedding. As an application, we show that Stein manifolds with the (Volume) Density property and of dimension at least 3, are characterized among all other complex manifolds by their semigroup of holomorphic endomorphisms.

Spaces of geometrically generic configurations

Yoel Feler (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let X denote either ℂℙ m or m . We study certain analytic properties of the space n ( X , g p ) of ordered geometrically generic n -point configurations in X . This space consists of all q = ( q 1 , , q n ) X n such that no m + 1 of the points q 1 , , q n belong to a hyperplane in X . In particular, we show that for a big enough n any holomorphic map f : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) commuting with the natural action of the symmetric group 𝐒 ( n ) in n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) is of the form f ( q ) = τ ( q ) q = ( τ ( q ) q 1 , , τ ( q ) q n ) , q n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) , where τ : n ( ℂℙ m , g p ) 𝐏𝐒𝐋 ( m + 1 , ) is an 𝐒 ( n ) -invariant holomorphic map. A similar result holds true for mappings of the configuration space n ( m , g p ) .

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 100