Displaying 741 – 760 of 872

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Converse problem for the two-component radial Gross-Pitaevskii system with a large coupling parameter

Casteras, Jean-Baptiste, Sourdis, Christos (2017)

Proceedings of Equadiff 14

We consider strongly coupled competitive elliptic systems that arise in the study of two-component Bose-Einstein condensates. As the coupling parameter tends to infinity, solutions that remain uniformly bounded are known to converge to a segregated limiting profile, with the difference of its components satisfying a limit scalar PDE. In the case of radial symmetry, under natural non-degeneracy assumptions on a solution of the limit problem, we establish by a perturbation argument its persistence...

Convex domains and unique continuation at the boundary.

Vilhelm Adolfsson, Luis Escauriaza, Carlos Kenig (1995)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We show that a harmonic function which vanishes continuously on an open set of the boundary of a convex domain cannot have a normal derivative which vanishes on a subset of positive surface measure. We also prove a similar result for caloric functions vanishing on the lateral boundary of a convex cylinder.

Convex integration of non-linear systems of partial differential equations

David Spring (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Geometrical techniques are employed to prove a global existence theorem for C r -solutions to underdetermined systems of non-linear r t h order partial differential equations, r { 1 , 2 , 3 , ... } , which satisfy certain convexity conditions. The solutions are not unique, but satisfy given approximations on lower order derivatives. The main result, which includes the relative case generalizes the work of M. Gromov on non-linear first order systems.

Convex integration with constraints and applications to phase transitions and partial differential equations

Stefan Müller, Vladimír Šverák (1999)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study solutions of first order partial differential relations D u K , where u : Ω n m is a Lipschitz map and K is a bounded set in m × n matrices, and extend Gromov’s theory of convex integration in two ways. First, we allow for additional constraints on the minors of D u and second we replace Gromov’s P −convex hull by the (functional) rank-one convex hull. The latter can be much larger than the former and this has important consequences for the existence of ‘wild’ solutions to elliptic systems. Our work was originally...

Convex shape optimization for the least biharmonic Steklov eigenvalue

Pedro Ricardo Simão Antunes, Filippo Gazzola (2013)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The least Steklov eigenvalue d1 for the biharmonic operator in bounded domains gives a bound for the positivity preserving property for the hinged plate problem, appears as a norm of a suitable trace operator, and gives the optimal constant to estimate the L2-norm of harmonic functions. These applications suggest to address the problem of minimizing d1 in suitable classes of domains. We survey the existing results and conjectures about this topic; in particular, the existence of a convex domain...

Convexity and uniqueness in a free boundary problem arising in combustion theory.

Arshak Petrosyan (2001)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We consider solutions to a free boundary problem for the heat equation, describing the propagation of flames. Suppose there is a bounded domain Ω ⊂ QT = Rn x (0,T) for some T > 0 and a function u > 0 in Ω such thatut = Δu,    in Ω,u = 0 and |∇u| = 1,   on Γ := ∂Ω ∩ QT,u(·,0) = u0,     on Ω0,where Ω0 is a given domain in Rn and u0 is a positive and continuous function in Ω0, vanishing on ∂Ω0. If Ω0 is convex and u0 is concave in Ω0, then we show that (u,Ω) is unique and the time sections...

Convexity estimates for flows by powers of the mean curvature

Felix Schulze (2006)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We study the evolution of a closed, convex hypersurface in n + 1 in direction of its normal vector, where the speed equals a power k 1 of the mean curvature. We show that if initially the ratio of the biggest and smallest principal curvatures at every point is close enough to 1 , depending only on k and n , then this is maintained under the flow. As a consequence we obtain that, when rescaling appropriately as the flow contracts to a point, the evolving surfaces converge to the unit sphere.

Convolution equations in the space of Laplace distributions

Maria E. Pliś (1998)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

A formal solution of a nonlinear equation P(D)u = g(u) in 2 variables is constructed using the Laplace transformation and a convolution equation. We assume some conditions on the characteristic set Char P.

Convolution of radius functions on ℝ³

Konstanty Holly (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We reduce the convolution of radius functions to that of 1-variable functions. Then we present formulas for computing convolutions of an abstract radius function on ℝ³ with various integral kernels - given by elementary or discontinuous functions. We also prove a theorem on the asymptotic behaviour of a convolution at infinity. Lastly, we deduce some estimates which enable us to find the asymptotics of the velocity and pressure of a fluid (described by the Navier-Stokes equations) in the boundary...

Currently displaying 741 – 760 of 872