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Some theorems of Phragmen-Lindelof type for nonlinear partial differential equations.

Ramón Quintanilla (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The present paper studies second order partial differential equations in two independent variables of the form Div(ρ1|u,1|n-1u,1, ρ2|u,2|n-1u,2) = 0. We obtain decay estimates for the solutions in a semi-infinite strip. The results may be seen as theorems of Phragmen-Lindelof type. The method is strongly based on the ideas of Horgan and Payne [5], [6], [8].

Speed-up of reaction-diffusion fronts by a line of fast diffusion

Henri Berestycki, Anne-Charline Coulon, Jean-Michel Roquejoffre, Luca Rossi (2013/2014)

Séminaire Laurent Schwartz — EDP et applications

In these notes, we discuss a new model, proposed by H. Berestycki, J.-M. Roquejoffre and L. Rossi, to describe biological invasions in the plane when a strong diffusion takes place on a line. This model seems relevant to account for the effects of roads on the spreading of invasive species. In what follows, the diffusion on the line will either be modelled by the Laplacian operator, or the fractional Laplacian of order less than 1. Of interest to us is the asymptotic speed of spreading in the direction...

Spreading and vanishing in nonlinear diffusion problems with free boundaries

Yihong Du, Bendong Lou (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study nonlinear diffusion problems of the form u t = u x x + f ( u ) with free boundaries. Such problems may be used to describe the spreading of a biological or chemical species, with the free boundary representing the expanding front. For special f ( u ) of the Fisher-KPP type, the problem was investigated by Du and Lin [DL]. Here we consider much more general nonlinear terms. For any f ( u ) which is C 1 and satisfies f ( 0 ) = 0 , we show that the omega limit set ω ( u ) of every bounded positive solution is determined by a stationary solution....

Stabilisation d’une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

On se propose d’étudier la stabilité d’une poutre flexible homogène, encastrée à une extrémité. À l’autre extrémité est attachée une masse ponctuelle où on applique un moment proportionnel à la vitesse de déplacement angulaire. On montre par une analyse spectrale que le taux optimal de décroissance de l’énergie est déterminé par l’abscisse spectrale du générateur infinitésimal du semi-groupe associé au problème.

Stabilisation d'une poutre. Étude du taux optimal de décroissance de l'énergie élastique

Francis Conrad, Fatima-Zahra Saouri (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We study the stability of a flexible beam clamped at one end. A mass is attached at the other end, where a control moment is applied. The boundary control is proportional to the angular velocity at the end. By spectral analysis, we prove that the optimal decay rate of the energy is given by the spectrum of the generator of the semigroup associated to the system.

Stabilisation polynomiale et analytique de l’équation des ondes sur un rectangle

Ammar Moulahi, Salsabil Nouira (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

On considère l’équation des ondes sur un rectangle avec un feedback de type Dirichlet. On se place dans le cas où la condition de contrôle géométrique n’est pas satisfaite (BLR Condition), ce qui implique qu’on n’a pas stabilité exponentielle dans l’espace d’énérgie. On prouve qu’on peut trouver un sous espace de l’espace d’énergie tel qu’on a stabilité exponentielle. De plus, on montre un résultat de décroissance polynomiale pour toute donnée initiale régulière.

Stabilité et asymptotique en temps grand de solutions globales des équations de Navier-Stokes

Isabelle Gallagher, Dragoş Iftimie, Fabrice Planchon (2002)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

We study a priori global strong solutions of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in three space dimensions. We prove that they behave for large times like small solutions, and in particular they decay to zero as time goes to infinity. Using that result, we prove a stability theorem showing that the set of initial data generating global solutions is open.

Stability analysis for neutral-type impulsive neural networks with delays

Bo Du, Yurong Liu, Dan Cao (2017)


By using linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach and Lyapunov functional method, we obtain some new sufficient conditions ensuring global asymptotic stability and global exponential stability of a generalized neutral-type impulsive neural networks with delays. A simulation example is provided to demonstrate the usefulness of the main results obtained. The main contribution in this paper is that a new neutral-type impulsive neural networks with variable delays is studied by constructing a novel Lyapunov...

Stability and instability of equilibria on singular domains

Maria Gokieli, Nicolas Varchon (2009)

Banach Center Publications

We show existence of nonconstant stable equilibria for the Neumann reaction-diffusion problem on domains with fractures inside. We also show that the stability properties of all hyperbolic equilibria remain unchanged under domain perturbation in a quite general sense, covered by the theory of Mosco convergence.

Stability in nonlinear evolution problems by means of fixed point theorems

Jaromír J. Koliha, Ivan Straškraba (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The stabilization of solutions to an abstract differential equation is investigated. The initial value problem is considered in the form of an integral equation. The equation is solved by means of the Banach contraction mapping theorem or the Schauder fixed point theorem in the space of functions decreasing to zero at an appropriate rate. Stable manifolds for singular perturbation problems are compared with each other. A possible application is illustrated on an initial-boundary-value problem for...

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