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Topological properties of the solution set of a class of nonlinear evolutions inclusions

Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the paper we study the topological structure of the solution set of a class of nonlinear evolution inclusions. First we show that it is nonempty and compact in certain function spaces and that it depends in an upper semicontinuous way on the initial condition. Then by strengthening the hypothesis on the orientor field F ( t , x ) , we are able to show that the solution set is in fact an R δ -set. Finally some applications to infinite dimensional control systems are also presented.

Unique continuation for Schrödinger operators in dimension three or less

Eric T. Sawyer (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We show that the differential inequality | Δ u | v | u | has the unique continuation property relative to the Sobolev space H l o c 2 , 1 ( Ω ) , Ω R n , n 3 , if v satisfies the condition ( K n loc ) lim r 0 sup x K | x - y | < r | x - y | 2 - n v ( y ) d y = 0 for all compact K Ω , where if n = 2 , we replace | x - y | 2 - n by - log | x - y | . This resolves a conjecture of B. Simon on unique continuation for Schrödinger operators, H = - Δ + v , in the case n 3 . The proof uses Carleman’s approach together with the following pointwise inequality valid for all N = 0 , 1 , 2 , ... and any u H c 2 , 1 ( R 3 - { 0 } ) , ...

Unique continuation for |Δu| ≤ V |∇u| and related problems.

Thomas H. Wolff (1990)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Much of this paper will be concerned with the proof of the followingTheorem 1. Suppose d ≥ 3, r = max {d, (3d - 4)/2}. If V ∈ Llocr(Rd), then the differential inequality |Δu| ≤ V |∇u| has the strong unique continuation property in the following sense: If u belongs to the Sobolev space Wloc2,p and if |Δu| ≤ V |∇u| andlimR→0 R-N ∫|x| < R |∇u|p' = 0for all N then u is constant.

Uniqueness in Rough Almost Complex Structures, and Differential Inequalities

Jean-Pierre Rosay (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The study of J -holomorphic maps leads to the consideration of the inequations | u z ¯ | C | u | , and | u z ¯ | ϵ | u z | . The first inequation is fairly easy to use. The second one, that is relevant to the case of rough structures, is more delicate. The case of u vector valued is strikingly different from the scalar valued case. Unique continuation and isolated zeroes are the main topics under study. One of the results is that, in almost complex structures of Hölder class 1 2 , any J -holomorphic curve that is constant on a non-empty...

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