Displaying 2361 – 2380 of 4754

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Metastability in the Furstenberg-Zimmer tower

Jeremy Avigad, Henry Towsner (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

According to the Furstenberg-Zimmer structure theorem, every measure-preserving system has a maximal distal factor, and is weak mixing relative to that factor. Furstenberg and Katznelson used this structural analysis of measure-preserving systems to provide a perspicuous proof of Szemerédi’s theorem. Beleznay and Foreman showed that, in general, the transfinite construction of the maximal distal factor of a separable measure-preserving system can extend arbitrarily far into the countable ordinals....

Méthodes de changement d’échelles en analyse complexe

François Berteloot (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nous mettons en perspective différentes méthodes de changement d’échelles et illustrons leur pertinence en mettant sur pieds des preuves simples et élémentaires de plusieurs théorèmes biens connus en analyse ou géométrie complexe. Les situations abordées sont variées et la plupart des théorèmes démontrés sont des classiques initialement obtenus entre la fin du xixe  et la seconde moitié du xxe  siècle.

Metric Entropy of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

Christoph Kawan (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

We introduce the notion of metric entropy for a nonautonomous dynamical system given by a sequence (Xn, μn) of probability spaces and a sequence of measurable maps fn : Xn → Xn+1 with fnμn = μn+1. This notion generalizes the classical concept of metric entropy established by Kolmogorov and Sinai, and is related via a variational inequality to the topological entropy of nonautonomous systems as defined by Kolyada, Misiurewicz, and Snoha. Moreover, it shares several properties with the classical notion...

Minimal actions of homeomorphism groups

Yonatan Gutman (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be a closed manifold of dimension 2 or higher or the Hilbert cube. Following Uspenskij one can consider the action of Homeo(X) equipped with the compact-open topology on Φ 2 2 X , the space of maximal chains in 2 X , equipped with the Vietoris topology. We show that if one restricts the action to M ⊂ Φ, the space of maximal chains of continua, then the action is minimal but not transitive. Thus one shows that the action of Homeo(X) on U H o m e o ( X ) , the universal minimal space of Homeo(X), is not transitive (improving...

Minimal models for d -actions

Bartosz Frej, Agata Kwaśnicka (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We prove that on a metrizable, compact, zero-dimensional space every d -action with no periodic points is measurably isomorphic to a minimal d -action with the same, i.e. affinely homeomorphic, simplex of measures.

Minimal nonhomogeneous continua

Henk Bruin, Sergiǐ Kolyada, L'ubomír Snoha (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that there are (1) nonhomogeneous metric continua that admit minimal noninvertible maps but have the fixed point property for homeomorphisms, and (2) nonhomogeneous metric continua that admit both minimal noninvertible maps and minimal homeomorphisms. The former continua are constructed as quotient spaces of the torus or as subsets of the torus, the latter are constructed as subsets of the torus.

Minimal non-invertible transformations of solenoids

Dariusz Tywoniuk (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We construct a continuous non-invertible minimal transformation of an arbitrary solenoid. Since solenoids, as all other compact monothetic groups, also admit minimal homeomorphisms, our result allows one to classify solenoids among continua admitting both invertible and non-invertible continuous minimal maps.

Minimal number of periodic points for smooth self-maps of S³

Grzegorz Graff, Jerzy Jezierski (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let f be a continuous self-map of a smooth compact connected and simply-connected manifold of dimension m ≥ 3 and r a fixed natural number. A topological invariant D r m [ f ] , introduced by the authors [Forum Math. 21 (2009)], is equal to the minimal number of r-periodic points for all smooth maps homotopic to f. In this paper we calculate D ³ r [ f ] for all self-maps of S³.

Currently displaying 2361 – 2380 of 4754