Displaying 521 – 540 of 4754

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Asymptotic Vassiliev invariants for vector fields

Sebastian Baader, Julien Marché (2012)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We analyse the asymptotical growth of Vassiliev invariants on non-periodic flow lines of ergodic vector fields on domains of 3 . More precisely, we show that the asymptotics of Vassiliev invariants is completely determined by the helicity of the vector field.

Asymptotic windings over the trefoil knot.

Jacques Franchi (2005)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

Consider the group G:=PSL2(R) and its subgroups Γ:= PSL2(Z) and Γ':=DSL2(Z). G/Γ is a canonical realization (up to an homeomorphism) of the complement S3T of the trefoil knot T, and G/Γ' is a canonical realization of the 6-fold branched cyclic cover of S3T, which has a 3-dimensional cohomology of 1-forms.Putting natural left-invariant Riemannian metrics on G, it makes sense to ask which is the asymptotic homology performed by the Brownian motion in G/Γ', describing thereby in an intrinsic way part...

Asymptotics of the partition function of a random matrix model

Pavel M. Bleher, Alexander Its (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove a number of results concerning the large N asymptotics of the free energy of a random matrix model with a polynomial potential. Our approach is based on a deformation of potential and on the use of the underlying integrable structures of the matrix model. The main results include the existence of a full asymptotic expansion in even powers of N of the recurrence coefficients of the related orthogonal polynomials for a one-cut regular potential and the double scaling asymptotics of the free...

Asynchronous sliding block maps

Marie-Pierre Béal, Olivier Carton (2000)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Asynchronous sliding block maps

Marie-Pierre Béal, Olivier Carton (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We define a notion of asynchronous sliding block map that can be realized by transducers labeled in A* × B*. We show that, under some conditions, it is possible to synchronize this transducer by state splitting, in order to get a transducer which defines the same sliding block map and which is labeled in A × Bk, where k is a constant integer. In the case of a transducer with a strongly connected graph, the synchronization process can be considered as an implementation of an algorithm of...

Atomic surfaces, tilings and coincidences II. Reducible case

Hiromi Ei, Shunji Ito, Hui Rao (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The atomic surfaces of unimodular Pisot substitutions of irreducible type have been studied by many authors. In this article, we study the atomic surfaces of Pisot substitutions of reducible type.As an analogue of the irreducible case, we define the stepped-surface and the dual substitution over it. Using these notions, we give a simple proof to the fact that atomic surfaces form a self-similar tiling system. We show that the stepped-surface possesses the quasi-periodic property, which implies that...

Attracting divisors on projective algebraic varieties

Małgorzata Stawiska (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We obtain sufficient and necessary conditions (in terms of positive singular metrics on an associated line bundle) for a positive divisor D on a projective algebraic variety X to be attracting for a holomorphic map f:X → X.

Attracting domains for semi-attractive transformations of Cp.

Monique Hakim (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let F be a germ of analytic transformation of (Cp, 0). We say that F is semi-attractive at the origin, if F'(0) has one eigenvalue equal to 1 and if the other ones are of modulus strictly less than 1. The main result is: either there exists a curve of fixed points, or F - Id has multiplicity k and there exists a domain of attraction with k - 1 petals. We also study the case where F is a global isomorphism of C2 and F - Id has multiplicity k at the origin. This work has been inspired by two papers:...

Attractors and Inverse Limits.

James Keesling (2008)


This paper surveys some recent results concerning inverse limits of tent maps. The survey concentrates on Ingram’s Conjecture. Some motivation is given for the study of such inverse limits.

Attractors for general operators

Alain Miranville (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

In this article we introduce the notion of a minimal attractor for families of operators that do not necessarily form semigroups. We then obtain some results on the existence of the minimal attractor. We also consider the nonautonomous case. As an application, we obtain the existence of the minimal attractor for models of Cahn-Hilliard equations in deformable elastic continua.

Attractors for non-autonomous retarded lattice dynamical systems

Tomás Caraballo, Francisco Morillas, José Valero (2015)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems

In this paperwe study a non-autonomous lattice dynamical system with delay. Under rather general growth and dissipative conditions on the nonlinear term,we define a non-autonomous dynamical system and prove the existence of a pullback attractor for such system as well. Both multivalued and single-valued cases are considered.

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 4754