Displaying 41 – 60 of 104

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Fourier coefficients of continuous functions and a class of multipliers

Serguei V. Kislyakov (1988)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

If x is a bounded function on Z , the multiplier with symbol x (denoted by M x ) is defined by ( M x f ) ^ = x f ^ , f L 2 ( T ) . We give some conditions on x ensuring the “interpolation inequality” M x f L p C f L 1 α M x f L q 1 - α (here 1 < p < q and α = α ( p , q , x ) is between 0 and 1). In most cases considered M x fails to have stronger L 1 -regularity properties (e.g. fails to be of weak type (1,1)). The results are applied to prove that for many sets E Z every positive sequence in 2 ( E ) can be majorized by the sequence { ...

Fourier multipliers for Hölder continuous functions and maximal regularity

Wolfgang Arendt, Charles Batty, Shangquan Bu (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Two operator-valued Fourier multiplier theorems for Hölder spaces are proved, one periodic, the other on the line. In contrast to the L p -situation they hold for arbitrary Banach spaces. As a consequence, maximal regularity in the sense of Hölder can be characterized by simple resolvent estimates of the underlying operator.

Marcinkiewicz multipliers of higher variation and summability of operator-valued Fourier series

Earl Berkson (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let f V r ( ) r ( ) , where, for 1 ≤ r < ∞, V r ( ) (resp., r ( ) ) denotes the class of functions (resp., bounded functions) g: → ℂ such that g has bounded r-variation (resp., uniformly bounded r-variations) on (resp., on the dyadic arcs of ). In the author’s recent article [New York J. Math. 17 (2011)] it was shown that if is a super-reflexive space, and E(·): ℝ → () is the spectral decomposition of a trigonometrically well-bounded operator U ∈ (), then over a suitable non-void open interval of r-values, the condition...

Maximal regularity of discrete and continuous time evolution equations

Sönke Blunck (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We consider the maximal regularity problem for the discrete time evolution equation u n + 1 - T u = f for all n ∈ ℕ₀, u₀ = 0, where T is a bounded operator on a UMD space X. We characterize the discrete maximal regularity of T by two types of conditions: firstly by R-boundedness properties of the discrete time semigroup ( T ) n and of the resolvent R(λ,T), secondly by the maximal regularity of the continuous time evolution equation u’(t) - Au(t) = f(t) for all t > 0, u(0) = 0, where A:= T - I. By recent results of...

Modeling repulsive forces on fibres via knot energies

Simon Blatt, Philipp Reiter (2014)

Molecular Based Mathematical Biology

Modeling of repulsive forces is essential to the understanding of certain bio-physical processes, especially for the motion of DNA molecules. These kinds of phenomena seem to be driven by some sort of “energy” which especially prevents the molecules from strongly bending and forming self-intersections. Inspired by a physical toy model, numerous functionals have been defined during the past twenty-five years that aim at modeling self-avoidance. The general idea is to produce “detangled” curves having...

Multipliers of Laplace transform type for Laguerre and Hermite expansions

Pablo L. De Nápoli, Irene Drelichman, Ricardo G. Durán (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We present a new criterion for the weighted L p - L q boundedness of multiplier operators for Laguerre and Hermite expansions that arise from a Laplace-Stieltjes transform. As a special case, we recover known results on weighted estimates for Laguerre and Hermite fractional integrals with a unified and simpler approach.

Multipliers on a Hilbert Space of Functions on R

Petkova, Violeta (2009)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42A45.For a Hilbert space H ⊂ L1loc(R) of functions on R we obtain a representation theorem for the multipliers M commuting with the shift operator S. This generalizes the classical result for multipliers in L2(R) as well as our previous result for multipliers in weighted space L2ω(R). Moreover, we obtain a description of the spectrum of S.

Norm convergence of some power series of operators in L p with applications in ergodic theory

Christophe Cuny (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let X be a closed subspace of L p ( μ ) , where μ is an arbitrary measure and 1 < p < ∞. Let U be an invertible operator on X such that s u p n | | U | | < . Motivated by applications in ergodic theory, we obtain (optimal) conditions for the convergence of series like n 1 ( U f ) / n 1 - α , 0 ≤ α < 1, in terms of | | f + + U n - 1 f | | p , generalizing results for unitary (or normal) operators in L²(μ). The proofs make use of the spectral integration initiated by Berkson and Gillespie and, more particularly, of results from a paper by Berkson-Bourgain-Gillespie....

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 104