Displaying 341 – 360 of 693

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Norm inequalities for off-centered maximal operators.

Richard L. Wheeden (1993)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Sufficient conditions are derived in order that there exist strong-type weighted norm inequalities for some off-centered maximal functions. The maximal functions are of Hardy-Littlewood and fractional types taken over starlike sets in Rn. The sufficient conditions are close to necessary and extend some previously known weak-type results.

Norm inequalities for the minimal and maximal operator, and differentiation of the integral.

David Cruz-Uribe, Christoph J. Neugebauer, Victor Olesen (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We study the weighted norm inequalities for the minimal operator, a new operator analogous to the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator which arose in the study of reverse Hölder inequalities. We characterize the classes of weights which govern the strong and weak-type norm inequalities for the minimal operator in the two weight case, and show that these classes are the same. We also show that a generalization of the minimal operator can be used to obtain information about the differentiability of the...

Note on duality of weighted multi-parameter Triebel-Lizorkin spaces

Wei Ding, Jiao Chen, Yaoming Niu (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the duality theory of the weighted multi-parameter Triebel-Lizorkin spaces F ˙ p α , q ( ω ; n 1 × n 2 ) . This space has been introduced and the result ( F ˙ p α , q ( ω ; n 1 × n 2 ) ) * = CMO p - α , q ' ( ω ; n 1 × n 2 ) for 0 < p 1 has been proved in Ding, Zhu (2017). In this paper, for 1 < p < , 0 < q < we establish its dual space H ˙ p α , q ( ω ; n 1 × n 2 ) .

On a converse inequality for maximal functions in Orlicz spaces

H. Kita (1996)

Studia Mathematica

Let Φ ( t ) = ʃ 0 t a ( s ) d s and Ψ ( t ) = ʃ 0 t b ( s ) d s , where a(s) is a positive continuous function such that ʃ 1 a ( s ) / s d s = and b(s) is quasi-increasing and l i m s b ( s ) = . Then the following statements for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function Mf(x) are equivalent: (j) there exist positive constants c 1 and s 0 such that ʃ 1 s a ( t ) / t d t c 1 b ( c 1 s ) for all s s 0 ; (jj) there exist positive constants c 2 and c 3 such that ʃ 0 2 π Ψ ( ( c 2 ) / ( | | ) | ( x ) | ) d x c 3 + c 3 ʃ 0 2 π Φ ( 1 / ( | | ) ) M f ( x ) d x for all L 1 ( ) .

On a decomposition of non-negative Radon measures

Bérenger Akon Kpata (2019)

Archivum Mathematicum

We establish a decomposition of non-negative Radon measures on d which extends that obtained by Strichartz [6] in the setting of α -dimensional measures. As consequences, we deduce some well-known properties concerning the density of non-negative Radon measures. Furthermore, some properties of non-negative Radon measures having their Riesz potential in a Lebesgue space are obtained.

On a higher-order Hardy inequality

David Eric Edmunds, Jiří Rákosník (1999)

Mathematica Bohemica

The Hardy inequality Ω | u ( x ) | p d ( x ) - p x ¨ c Ω | u ( x ) | p x ¨ with d ( x ) = dist ( x , Ω ) holds for u C 0 ( Ω ) if Ω n is an open set with a sufficiently smooth boundary and if 1 < p < . P. Hajlasz proved the pointwise counterpart to this inequality involving a maximal function of Hardy-Littlewood type on the right hand side and, as a consequence, obtained the integral Hardy inequality. We extend these results for gradients of higher order and also for p = 1 .

On a weak type (1,1) inequality for a maximal conjugate function

Nakhlé Asmar, Stephen Montgomery-Smith (1997)

Studia Mathematica

In their celebrated paper [3], Burkholder, Gundy, and Silverstein used Brownian motion to derive a maximal function characterization of H p spaces for 0 < p < ∞. In the present paper, we show that the methods in [3] extend to higher dimensions and yield a dimension-free weak type (1,1) estimate for a conjugate function on the N-dimensional torus.

On boundedness properties of certain maximal operators

M. Menárguez (1995)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is known that the weak type (1,1) for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator can be obtained from the weak type (1,1) over Dirac deltas. This theorem is due to M. de Guzmán. In this paper, we develop a technique that allows us to prove such a theorem for operators and measure spaces in which Guzmán's technique cannot be used.

Currently displaying 341 – 360 of 693