Displaying 141 – 160 of 178

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Spaces of multipliers and their preduals for the order multiplication on [0, 1]

Savita Bhatnagar, H. L. Vasudeva (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let I = [0, 1] be the compact topological semigroup with max multiplication and usual topology. C(I), L p ( I ) , 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, are the associated Banach algebras. The aim of the paper is to characterise H o m C ( I ) ( L r ( I ) , L p ( I ) ) and their preduals.

Spaces of multipliers and their preduals for the order multiplication on [0,1]. II

Savita Bhatnagar (2004)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Consider I = [0,1] as a compact topological semigroup with max multiplication and usual topology, and let C ( I ) , L p ( I ) , 1 p , be the associated algebras. The aim of this paper is to study the spaces H o m C ( I ) ( L r ( I ) , L p ( I ) ) , r > p, and their preduals.

Spectral multipliers for a distinguished Laplacian on certain groups of exponential growth

Michael Cowling, Saverio Giulini, Andrzej Hulanicki, Giancarlo Mauceri (1994)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that on Iwasawa AN groups coming from arbitrary semisimple Lie groups there is a Laplacian with a nonholomorphic functional calculus, not only for L 1 ( A N ) , but also for L p ( A N ) , where 1 < p < ∞. This yields a spectral multiplier theorem analogous to the ones known for sublaplacians on stratified groups.

Synthèse et algèbre de multiplicateurs de Re A ( D )

Jacqueline Détraz (1973)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit Re A , l’espace de Banach des fonctions continues sur T qui sont parties réelles de fonctions de l’algèbre du disque A ( D ) . On étudie les ensembles de T de synthèse pour Re A et l’algèbre des multiplicateurs de Re A . On en déduit des théorèmes d’approximation dans A ( D ) par des produits de Blaschke.

The Herz-Schur multiplier norm of sets satisfying the Leinert condition

Éric Ricard, Ana-Maria Stan (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is well known that in a free group , one has | | χ E | | M c b A ( ) 2 , where E is the set of all the generators. We show that the (completely) bounded multiplier norm of any set satisfying the Leinert condition depends only on its cardinality. Consequently, based on a result of Wysoczański, we obtain a formula for | | χ E | | M c b A ( ) .

The space of multipliers and convolutors of Orlicz spaces on a locally compact group

Hasan P. Aghababa, Ibrahim Akbarbaglu, Saeid Maghsoudi (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let G be a locally compact group, let (φ,ψ) be a complementary pair of Young functions, and let L φ ( G ) and L ψ ( G ) be the corresponding Orlicz spaces. Under some conditions on φ, we will show that for a Banach L φ ( G ) -submodule X of L ψ ( G ) , the multiplier space H o m L φ ( G ) ( L φ ( G ) , X * ) is a dual Banach space with predual L φ ( G ) X : = s p a n ¯ u x : u L φ ( G ) , x X , where the closure is taken in the dual space of H o m L φ ( G ) ( L φ ( G ) , X * ) . We also prove that if φ is a Δ₂-regular N-function, then C v φ ( G ) , the space of convolutors of M φ ( G ) , is identified with the dual of a Banach algebra of functions on G under pointwise...

Transferring L p multipliers

Anthony H. Dooley (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

By combining some results of C. S. Herz on the Fourier algebra with the notion of contractions of Lie groups, we prove theorems which allow transference of L p multipliers either from the Lie algebra or from the Cartan motion group associated to a compact Lie group to the group itself.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 178