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Construction techniques for some thin sets in duals of compact abelian groups

D. J. Hajela (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Various techniques are presented for constructing Λ (p) sets which are not Λ ( p + ϵ ) for all ϵ > 0 . The main result is that there is a Λ (4) set in the dual of any compact abelian group which is not Λ ( 4 + ϵ ) for all ϵ > 0 . Along the way to proving this, new constructions are given in dual groups in which constructions were already known of Λ (p) not Λ ( p + ϵ ) sets, for certain values of p . The main new constructions in specific dual groups are:– there is a Λ (2k) set which is not Λ ( 2 k + ϵ ) in Z ( 2 ) Z ( 2 ) for all 2 k , k N and ϵ > 0 , and in Z ( p ) Z ( p ) ( p a prime,...

Difference functions of periodic measurable functions

Tamás Keleti (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We investigate some problems of the following type: For which sets H is it true that if f is in a given class ℱ of periodic functions and the difference functions Δ h f ( x ) = f ( x + h ) - f ( x ) are in a given smaller class G for every h ∈ H then f itself must be in G? Denoting the class of counter-example sets by ℌ(ℱ,G), that is, ( , G ) = H / : ( f G ) ( h H ) Δ h f G , we try to characterize ℌ(ℱ,G) for some interesting classes of functions ℱ ⊃ G. We study classes of measurable functions on the circle group 𝕋 = / that are invariant for changes on null-sets (e.g. measurable...

Ensembles de Rosenthal et propriété de Radon-Nikodym relative

Mohammad Daher (2009)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Soient G un groupe abélien compact métrisable, Γ son groupe dual et Λ Γ un ensemble de Rosenthal. Nous montrons que L Λ ( G , Y * ) = C Λ ( G , Y * ) , lorsque Y * est un espace de Banach ayant la propriété de Radon-Nikodym et C Λ ( G , Y * ) est faiblement séquentiellement complet. Nous en déduisons une condition suffisante pour que le produit de deux ensembles de Rosenthal en soit encore un pour le groupe produit. Ensuite nous introduisons la propriété de Radon-Nikodym relative R N - Λ , une généralisation de la propriété de Radon-Nikodym analytique....

Exact Kronecker constants of Hadamard sets

Kathryn E. Hare, L. Thomas Ramsey (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A set S of integers is called ε-Kronecker if every function on S of modulus one can be approximated uniformly to within ε by a character. The least such ε is called the ε-Kronecker constant, κ(S). The angular Kronecker constant is the unique real number α(S) ∈ [0,1/2] such that κ(S) = |exp(2πiα(S)) - 1|. We show that for integers m > 1 and d ≥ 1, α 1 , m , . . . , m d - 1 = ( m d - 1 - 1 ) / ( 2 ( m d - 1 ) ) and α1,m,m²,... = 1/(2m).

Examples of non-shy sets

Randall Dougherty (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Christensen has defined a generalization of the property of being of Haar measure zero to subsets of (abelian) Polish groups which need not be locally compact; a recent paper of Hunt, Sauer, and Yorke defines the same property for Borel subsets of linear spaces, and gives a number of examples and applications. The latter authors use the term “shyness” for this property, and “prevalence” for the complementary property. In the present paper, we construct a number of examples of non-shy Borel sets...

Existence of large ε-Kronecker and FZI₀(U) sets in discrete abelian groups

Colin C. Graham, Kathryn E. Hare (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be a compact abelian group with dual group Γ and let ε > 0. A set E ⊂ Γ is a “weak ε-Kronecker set” if for every φ:E → there exists x in the dual of Γ such that |φ(γ)- γ(x)| ≤ ε for all γ ∈ E. When ε < √2, every bounded function on E is known to be the restriction of a Fourier-Stieltjes transform of a discrete measure. (Such sets are called I₀.) We show that for every infinite set E there exists a weak 1-Kronecker subset F, of the same cardinality as E, provided there are not “too many”...

Finite union of H-sets and countable compact sets

Sylvain Kahane (1993)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In [2], D. E. Grow and M. Insall construct a countable compact set which is not the union of two H-sets. We make precise this result in two directions, proving such a set may be, but need not be, a finite union of H-sets. Descriptive set theory tools like Cantor-Bendixson ranks are used; they are developed in the book of A. S. Kechris and A. Louveau [6]. Two proofs are presented; the first one is elementary while the second one is more general and useful. Using the last one I prove in my thesis,...

Fourier analysis, Schur multipliers on S p and non-commutative Λ(p)-sets

Asma Harcharras (1999)

Studia Mathematica

This work deals with various questions concerning Fourier multipliers on L p , Schur multipliers on the Schatten class S p as well as their completely bounded versions when L p and S p are viewed as operator spaces. For this purpose we use subsets of ℤ enjoying the non-commutative Λ(p)-property which is a new analytic property much stronger than the classical Λ(p)-property. We start by studying the notion of non-commutative Λ(p)-sets in the general case of an arbitrary discrete group before turning to the...

Fractional cartesian products of sets

Ron C. Blei (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let E be a subset of a discrete abelian group whose compact dual is G . E is exactly p -Sidon (respectively, exactly non- p -Sidon) when ( * ) C E ( G ) r holds if and only if r [ p , ] (respectively, r ( p , ) ). E is said to be exactly Λ β (respectively, exactly non- Λ β ) if E has the property ( * * ) every f L E 2 ( G ) satisfies G exp ( λ | f | 2 / α &lt; , for all λ &gt; 0 , if and only if α [ β , ) (respectively, α ( β , ) ).In this paper, for every p [ 1 , 2 ) and β [ 1 , ) , we display sets which are exactly p -Sidon, exactly non- p -Sidon, exactly Λ β and exactly non- Λ β .

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 130