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Tempered reductive homogeneous spaces

Yves Benoist, Toshiyuki Kobayashi (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let G be a semisimple algebraic Lie group and H a reductive subgroup. We find geometrically the best even integer p for which the representation of G in L 2 ( G / H ) is almost L p . As an application, we give a criterion which detects whether this representation is tempered.

The evolution and Poisson kernels on nilpotent meta-abelian groups

Richard Penney, Roman Urban (2013)

Studia Mathematica

Let S be a semidirect product S = N⋊ A where N is a connected and simply connected, non-abelian, nilpotent meta-abelian Lie group and A is isomorphic to k , k>1. We consider a class of second order left-invariant differential operators on S of the form α = L a + Δ α , where α k , and for each a k , L a is left-invariant second order differential operator on N and Δ α = Δ - α , , where Δ is the usual Laplacian on k . Using some probabilistic techniques (e.g., skew-product formulas for diffusions on S and N respectively) we obtain an...

The reciprocal of the beta function and G L ( n , ) Whittaker functions

Eric Stade (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we derive, using the Gauss summation theorem for hypergeometric series, a simple integral expression for the reciprocal of Euler’s beta function. This expression is similar in form to several well-known integrals for the beta function itself.We then apply our new formula to the study of G L ( n , ) Whittaker functions, which are special functions that arise in the Fourier theory for automorphic forms on the general linear group. Specifically, we deduce explicit integral representations of “fundamental”...

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