Displaying 221 – 240 of 1581

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A framework to combine vector-valued metrics into a scalar-metric: Application to data comparison

Gemma Piella (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

Distance metrics are at the core of many processing and machine learning algorithms. In many contexts, it is useful to compute the distance between data using multiple criteria. This naturally leads to consider vector-valued metrics, in which the distance is no longer a real positive number but a vector. In this paper, we propose a principled way to combine several metrics into either a scalar-valued or vector-valued metric. We illustrate our framework by reformulating the popular structural similarity...

A free stochastic partial differential equation

Yoann Dabrowski (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We get stationary solutions of a free stochastic partial differential equation. As an application, we prove equality of non-microstate and microstate free entropy dimensions under a Lipschitz like condition on conjugate variables, assuming also the von Neumann algebra R ω embeddable. This includes an N -tuple of q -Gaussian random variables e.g. for | q | N 0 . 13 .

A full characterization of multipliers for the strong ρ -integral in the euclidean space

Lee Tuo-Yeong (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study a generalization of the classical Henstock-Kurzweil integral, known as the strong ρ -integral, introduced by Jarník and Kurzweil. Let ( 𝒮 ρ ( E ) , · ) be the space of all strongly ρ -integrable functions on a multidimensional compact interval E , equipped with the Alexiewicz norm · . We show that each element in the dual space of ( 𝒮 ρ ( E ) , · ) can be represented as a strong ρ -integral. Consequently, we prove that f g is strongly ρ -integrable on E for each strongly ρ -integrable function f if and only if g is almost everywhere...

A function space Cp(X) not linearly homeomorphic to Cp(X) × ℝ

Witold Marciszewski (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct two examples of infinite spaces X such that there is no continuous linear surjection from the space of continuous functions c p ( X ) onto c p ( X ) × ℝ . I n p a r t i c u l a r , cp(X) i s n o t l i n e a r l y h o m e o m o r p h i c t o cp(X) × . One of these examples is compact. This answers some questions of Arkhangel’skiĭ.

A functional calculus description of real interpolation spaces for sectorial operators

Markus Haase (2005)

Studia Mathematica

For a holomorphic function ψ defined on a sector we give a condition implying the identity ( X , ( A α ) ) θ , p = x X | t - θ R e α ψ ( t A ) L p ( ( 0 , ) ; X ) where A is a sectorial operator on a Banach space X. This yields all common descriptions of the real interpolation spaces for sectorial operators and allows easy proofs of the moment inequalities and reiteration results for fractional powers.

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 1581