Displaying 4381 – 4400 of 13205

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Geometry of oblique projections

E. Andruchow, Gustavo Corach, D. Stojanoff (1999)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a unital C*-algebra. Denote by P the space of selfadjoint projections of A. We study the relationship between P and the spaces of projections P a determined by the different involutions a induced by positive invertible elements a ∈ A. The maps φ : P P a sending p to the unique q P a with the same range as p and Ω a : P a P a sending q to the unitary part of the polar decomposition of the symmetry 2q-1 are shown to be diffeomorphisms. We characterize the pairs of idempotents q,r ∈ A with ||q-r|| < 1 such that...

Geometry of quotient spaces and proximinality

Yuan Cui, Henryk Hudzik, Yaowaluck Khongtham (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

It is proved that if X is a rotund Banach space and M is a closed and proximinal subspace of X, then the quotient space X/M is also rotund. It is also shown that if Φ does not satisfy the δ₂-condition, then h Φ is not proximinal in l Φ and the quotient space l Φ / h Φ is not rotund (even if l Φ is rotund). Weakly nearly uniform convexity and weakly uniform Kadec-Klee property are introduced and it is proved that a Banach space X is weakly nearly uniformly convex if and only if it is reflexive and it has the weakly...

Geometry of the Banach spaces C(βℕ × K,X) for compact metric spaces K

Dale E. Alspach, Elói Medina Galego (2011)

Studia Mathematica

A classical result of Cembranos and Freniche states that the C(K,X) space contains a complemented copy of c₀ whenever K is an infinite compact Hausdorff space and X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space. This paper takes this result as a starting point and begins a study of conditions under which the spaces C(α), α < ω₁, are quotients of or complemented in C(K,X). In contrast to the c₀ result, we prove that if C(βℕ ×[1,ω],X) contains a complemented copy of C ( ω ω ) then X contains a copy of c₀. Moreover,...

Geometry of the spectral semidistance in Banach algebras

Gareth Braatvedt, Rudi Brits (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let A be a unital Banach algebra over , and suppose that the nonzero spectral values of a and b A are discrete sets which cluster at 0 , if anywhere. We develop a plane geometric formula for the spectral semidistance of a and b which depends on the two spectra, and the orthogonality relationships between the corresponding sets of Riesz projections associated with the nonzero spectral values. Extending a result of Brits and Raubenheimer, we further show that a and b are quasinilpotent equivalent if...

Currently displaying 4381 – 4400 of 13205