Displaying 41 – 60 of 234

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Generalization of the Newman-Shapiro isometry theorem and Toeplitz operators. II

Dariusz Cichoń (2002)

Studia Mathematica

The Newman-Shapiro Isometry Theorem is proved in the case of Segal-Bargmann spaces of entire vector-valued functions (i.e. summable with respect to the Gaussian measure on ℂⁿ). The theorem is applied to find the adjoint of an unbounded Toeplitz operator T φ with φ being an operator-valued exponential polynomial.

Generalization of the topological algebra ( C b ( X ) , β )

Jorma Arhippainen, Jukka Kauppi (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study subalgebras of C b ( X ) equipped with topologies that generalize both the uniform and the strict topology. In particular, we study the Stone-Weierstrass property and describe the ideal structure of these algebras.

Generalization of the weak amenability on various Banach algebras

Madjid Eshaghi Gordji, Ali Jabbari, Abasalt Bodaghi (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

The generalized notion of weak amenability, namely ( ϕ , ψ ) -weak amenability, where ϕ , ψ are continuous homomorphisms on a Banach algebra 𝒜 , was introduced by Bodaghi, Eshaghi Gordji and Medghalchi (2009). In this paper, the ( ϕ , ψ ) -weak amenability on the measure algebra M ( G ) , the group algebra L 1 ( G ) and the Segal algebra S 1 ( G ) , where G is a locally compact group, are studied. As a typical example, the ( ϕ , ψ ) -weak amenability of a special semigroup algebra is shown as well.

Generalized Alexandroff Duplicates and CD 0(K) spaces

Mert Çaglar, Zafer Ercan, Faruk Polat (2006)

Open Mathematics

We define and investigateCD Σ,Γ(K, E)-type spaces, which generalizeCD 0-type Banach lattices introduced in [1]. We state that the space CD Σ,Γ(K, E) can be represented as the space of E-valued continuous functions on the generalized Alexandroff Duplicate of K. As a corollary we obtain the main result of [6, 8].

Generalized atomic subspaces for operators in Hilbert spaces

Prasenjit Ghosh, Tapas Kumar Samanta (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

We introduce the notion of a g -atomic subspace for a bounded linear operator and construct several useful resolutions of the identity operator on a Hilbert space using the theory of g -fusion frames. Also, we shall describe the concept of frame operator for a pair of g -fusion Bessel sequences and some of their properties.

Generalized Besov type spaces on the Laguerre hypergroup

Miloud Assal, Hacen Ben Abdallah (2005)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper we study generalized Besov type spaces on the Laguerre hypergroup and we give some characterizations using different equivalent norms which allows to reach results of completeness, continuous embeddings and density of some subspaces. A generalized Calderón-Zygmund formula adapted to the harmonic analysis on the Laguerre Hypergroup is obtained inducing two more equivalent norms.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 234