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Hardy spaces H¹ for Schrödinger operators with certain potentials

Jacek Dziubański, Jacek Zienkiewicz (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let K t t > 0 be the semigroup of linear operators generated by a Schrödinger operator -L = Δ - V with V ≥ 0. We say that f belongs to H ¹ L if | | s u p t > 0 | K t f ( x ) | | | L ¹ ( d x ) < . We state conditions on V and K t which allow us to give an atomic characterization of the space H ¹ L .

Hardy-Rogers-type fixed point theorems for α - G F -contractions

Muhammad Arshad, Eskandar Ameer, Aftab Hussain (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum

The aim of this paper is to introduce some new fixed point results of Hardy-Rogers-type for α - η - G F -contraction in a complete metric space. We extend the concept of F -contraction into an α - η - G F -contraction of Hardy-Rogers-type. An example has been constructed to demonstrate the novelty of our results.

Hardy-type inequalities related to degenerate elliptic differential operators

Lorenzo D’Ambrosio (2005)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove some Hardy-type inequalities related to quasilinear second-order degenerate elliptic differential operators L p u : = - L * ( L u p - 2 L u ) . If φ is a positive weight such that - L p φ 0 , then the Hardy-type inequalityholds. We find an explicit value of the constant involved, which, in most cases, results optimal. As particular case we derive Hardy inequalities for subelliptic operators on Carnot Groups.

Harmonic analysis of the space BV.

Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Ingrid Daubechies, Ronald DeVore (2003)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We establish new results on the space BV of functions with bounded variation. While it is well known that this space admits no unconditional basis, we show that it is almost characterized by wavelet expansions in the following sense: if a function f is in BV, its coefficient sequence in a BV normalized wavelet basis satisfies a class of weak-l1 type estimates. These weak estimates can be employed to prove many interesting results. We use them to identify the interpolation spaces between BV and Sobolev...

Harmonic extensions and the Böttcher-Silbermann conjecture

P. Gorkin, D. Zheng (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We present counterexamples to a conjecture of Böttcher and Silbermann on the asymptotic multiplicity of the Poisson kernel of the space L ( D ) and discuss conditions under which the Poisson kernel is asymptotically multiplicative.

Harmonic interpolating sequences, L p and BMO

John B. Garnett (1978)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let ( z ν ) be a sequence in the upper half plane. If 1 &lt; p and if y ν 1 / p f ( z ν ) = a ν , ν = 1 , 2 , ... ( * ) has solution f ( z ) in the class of Poisson integrals of L p functions for any sequence ( a ν ) p , then we show that ( z ν ) is an interpolating sequence for H . If f ( z ν ) = a ν , ν = 1 , 2 , ... has solution in the class of Poisson integrals of BMO functions whenever ( a ν ) , then ( z ν ) is again an interpolating sequence for H . A somewhat more general theorem is also proved and a counterexample for the case p 1 is described.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 248