Displaying 181 – 200 of 224

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On the type constants with respect to systems of characters of a compact abelian group

Aicke Hinrichs (1996)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that there exists an absolute constant c such that for any positive integer n and any system Φ of 2 n characters of a compact abelian group, 2 - n / 2 t Φ ( T ) c n - 1 / 2 t n ( T ) , where T is an arbitrary operator between Banach spaces, t Φ ( T ) is the type norm of T with respect to Φ and t n ( T ) is the usual Rademacher type-2 norm computed with n vectors. For the system of the first 2 n Walsh functions this is even true with c=1. This result combined with known properties of such type norms provides easy access to quantitative versions of...

On the volume method in the study of Auerbach bases of finite-dimensional normed spaces

Anatolij Plichko (1996)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this note we show that if the ratio of the minimal volume V of n-dimensional parallelepipeds containing the unit ball of an n-dimensional real normed space X to the maximal volume v of n-dimensional crosspolytopes inscribed in this ball is equal to n!, then the relation of orthogonality in X is symmetric. Hence we deduce the following properties: (i) if V/v=n! and if n>2, then X is an inner product space; (ii) in every finite-dimensional normed space there exist at least two different Auerbach...

On total incomparability of mixed Tsirelson spaces

Julio Bernués, Javier Pascual (2003)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give criteria of total incomparability for certain classes of mixed Tsirelson spaces. We show that spaces of the form T [ ( k , θ k ) k = 1 l ] with index i ( k ) finite are either c 0 or p saturated for some p and we characterize when any two spaces of such a form are totally incomparable in terms of the index i ( k ) and the parameter θ k . Also, we give sufficient conditions of total incomparability for a particular class of spaces of the form T [ ( 𝒜 k , θ k ) k = 1 ] in terms of the asymptotic behaviour of the sequence i = 1 n e i where ( e i ) is the canonical basis....

On Typical Compact Convex Sets in Hilbert Spaces

De Blasi, F. (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

Let E be an infinite dimensional separable space and for e ∈ E and X a nonempty compact convex subset of E, let qX(e) be the metric antiprojection of e on X. Let n ≥ 2 be an arbitrary integer. It is shown that for a typical (in the sence of the Baire category) compact convex set X ⊂ E the metric antiprojection qX(e) has cardinality at least n for every e in a dense subset of E.

On Uniformly Convex and Uniformly Kadec-Klee Renomings

Lancien, Gilles (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

We give a new construction of uniformly convex norms with a power type modulus on super-reflexive spaces based on the notion of dentability index. Furthermore, we prove that if the Szlenk index of a Banach space is less than or equal to ω (first infinite ordinal) then there is an equivalent weak* lower semicontinuous positively homogeneous functional on X* satisfying the uniform Kadec-Klee Property for the weak*-topology (UKK*). Then we solve the UKK or UKK* renorming problems for Lp(X) spaces...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 224