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The trilinear embedding theorem

Hitoshi Tanaka (2015)

Studia Mathematica

Let σ i , i = 1,2,3, denote positive Borel measures on ℝⁿ, let denote the usual collection of dyadic cubes in ℝⁿ and let K: → [0,∞) be a map. We give a characterization of a trilinear embedding theorem, that is, of the inequality Q K ( Q ) i = 1 3 | Q f i d σ i | C i = 1 3 | | f i | | L p i ( d σ i ) in terms of a discrete Wolff potential and Sawyer’s checking condition, when 1 < p₁,p₂,p₃ < ∞ and 1/p₁ + 1/p₂ + 1/p₃ ≥ 1.

Theoretical foundation of the weighted Laplace inpainting problem

Laurent Hoeltgen, Andreas Kleefeld, Isaac Harris, Michael Breuss (2019)

Applications of Mathematics

Laplace interpolation is a popular approach in image inpainting using partial differential equations. The classic approach considers the Laplace equation with mixed boundary conditions. Recently a more general formulation has been proposed, where the differential operator consists of a point-wise convex combination of the Laplacian and the known image data. We provide the first detailed analysis on existence and uniqueness of solutions for the arising mixed boundary value problem. Our approach considers...

Thin sets in nonlinear potential theory

Lars-Inge Hedberg, Thomas H. Wolff (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let L α q ( R D ) , α &gt; 0 , 1 &lt; q &lt; , denote the space of Bessel potentials f = G α * g , g L q , with norm f α , q = g q . For α integer L α q can be identified with the Sobolev space H α , q .One can associate a potential theory to these spaces much in the same way as classical potential theory is associated to the space H 1 ; 2 , and a considerable part of the theory was carried over to this more general context around 1970. There were difficulties extending the theory of thin sets, however. By means of a new inequality, which characterizes the positive cone in the space...

Time and space Sobolev regularity of solutions to homogeneous parabolic equations

Gabriella Di Blasio (1998)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the initial data such that the solutions of parabolic equations have a prescribed Sobolev regularity in time and space.

Towards a two-scale calculus

Augusto Visintin (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We define and characterize weak and strong two-scale convergence in Lp, C0 and other spaces via a transformation of variable, extending Nguetseng's definition. We derive several properties, including weak and strong two-scale compactness; in particular we prove two-scale versions of theorems of Ascoli-Arzelà, Chacon, Riesz, and Vitali. We then approximate two-scale derivatives, and define two-scale convergence in spaces of either weakly or strongly differentiable functions. We also derive...

T-p(x)-solutions for nonlinear elliptic equations with an L¹-dual datum

El Houssine Azroul, Abdelkrim Barbara, Meryem El Lekhlifi, Mohamed Rhoudaf (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We establish the existence of a T-p(x)-solution for the p(x)-elliptic problem - d i v ( a ( x , u , u ) ) + g ( x , u ) = f - d i v F in Ω, where Ω is a bounded open domain of N , N ≥ 2 and a : Ω × × N N is a Carathéodory function satisfying the natural growth condition and the coercivity condition, but with only a weak monotonicity condition. The right hand side f lies in L¹(Ω) and F belongs to i = 1 N L p ' ( · ) ( Ω ) .

Trace theorem on the Heisenberg group

Hajer Bahouri, Jean-Yves Chemin, Chao-Jiang Xu (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove in this work the trace and trace lifting theorem for Sobolev spaces on the Heisenberg groups for hypersurfaces with characteristics submanifolds.

Trace Theorems for Sobolev Spaces on Lipschitz Domains. Necessary Conditions

Giuseppe Geymonat (2007)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

A famous theorem of E. Gagliardo gives the characterization of traces for Sobolev spaces W 1 , p Ω for 1 p &lt; when Ω N is a Lipschitz domain. The extension of this result to W m , p Ω for m 2 and 1 &lt; p &lt; is now well-known when Ω is a smooth domain. The situation is more complicated for polygonal and polyhedral domains since the characterization is given only in terms of local compatibility conditions at the vertices, edges, .... Some recent papers give the characterization for general Lipschitz domains for m=2 in terms of global...

Traces of anisotropic Besov-Lizorkin-Triebel spaces---a complete treatment of the borderline cases

Walter Farkas, Jon Johnsen, Winfried Sickel (2000)

Mathematica Bohemica

Including the previously untreated borderline cases, the trace spaces (in the distributional sense) of the Besov-Lizorkin-Triebel spaces are determined for the anisotropic (or quasi-homogeneous) version of these classes. The ranges of the traces are in all cases shown to be approximation spaces, and these are shown to be different from the usual spaces precisely in the cases previously untreated. To analyse the new spaces, we carry over some real interpolation results as well as the refined Sobolev...

Traces of Besov spaces on fractal h-sets and dichotomy results

António M. Caetano, Dorothee D. Haroske (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We study the existence of traces of Besov spaces on fractal h-sets Γ with a special focus on assumptions necessary for this existence; in other words, we present criteria for the non-existence of traces. In that sense our paper can be regarded as an extension of Bricchi (2004) and a continuation of Caetano (2013). Closely connected with the problem of existence of traces is the notion of dichotomy in function spaces: We can prove that-depending on the function space and the set Γ-there occurs an...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 96