Displaying 261 – 280 of 346

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Representations of Polish groups and continuity

M. Cianfarani, J.-M. Paoli, P. Simonnet, J.-C. Tomasi (2014)

Studia Mathematica

In the first part of the paper, some criteria of continuity of representations of a Polish group in a Banach algebra are given. The second part uses the result of the first part to deduce automatic continuity results of Baire morphisms from Polish groups to locally compact groups or unitary groups. In the final part, the spectrum of an element in the range of a strongly but not norm continuous representation is described.

Representing non-weakly compact operators

Manuel González, Eero Saksman, Hans-Olav Tylli (1995)

Studia Mathematica

For each S ∈ L(E) (with E a Banach space) the operator R(S) ∈ L(E**/E) is defined by R(S)(x** + E) = S**x** + E(x** ∈ E**). We study mapping properties of the correspondence S → R(S), which provides a representation R of the weak Calkin algebra L(E)/W(E) (here W(E) denotes the weakly compact operators on E). Our results display strongly varying behaviour of R. For instance, there are no non-zero compact operators in Im(R) in the case of L 1 and C(0,1), but R(L(E)/W(E)) identifies isometrically with...

Reproducing kernels, Engliš algebras and some applications

Mubariz T. Karaev, Mehmet Gürdal, Mualla Birgül Huban (2016)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce the notion of Engliš algebras, defined in terms of reproducing kernels and Berezin symbols. Such algebras were apparently first investigated by Engliš (1995). Here we give some new results on Engliš C*-algebras on abstract reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and some applications to various questions of operator theory. In particular, we give applications to Riccati operator equations, zero Toeplitz products, and the existence of invariant subspaces for some operators.

Résolution d'équations aux dérivées partielles dans des espaces de distributions d'ordre de régularité variable

André Unterberger (1971)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

L’objet de cet article est de prouver des théorèmes du genre suivant : “Soient P un opérateur différentiel sur R n , ρ une fonction C à valeurs réelles, k un nombre réel et u une distribution à support compact : alors, si P u H ρ , u H ρ + k ” ; l’espace H ρ est ici l’espace de Sobolev “d’ordre variable” associé à ρ  ; bien entendu, il faut des hypothèses sur P , ρ et k . Les cas traités sont :1) certains opérateurs à coefficients variables déjà considérés dans le chapitre VIII du livre de L. Hörmander ;2) tous les opérateurs...

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 346