¿El teorema de Bolzano en varias variables?
(Homogeneous) Markov bridges are (time homogeneous) Markov chains which begin at a given point and end at a given point. The price to pay for preserving the homogeneity is to work with processes with a random life-span. Bridges are studied both for themselves and for their use in describing the transformations of Markov chains: restriction on a random interval, time reversal, time change, various conditionings comprising the confinement in some part of the state space. These bridges lead us to look...
In 1972, the late B. E. Johnson introduced the notion of an amenable Banach algebra and asked whether the Banach algebra ℬ(E) of all bounded linear operators on a Banach space E could ever be amenable if dim E = ∞. Somewhat surprisingly, this question was answered positively only very recently as a by-product of the Argyros-Haydon result that solves the “scalar plus compact problem”: there is an infinite-dimensional Banach space E, the dual of which is ℓ¹, such that . Still, ℬ(ℓ²) is not amenable,...
We study the frequency of hypercyclicity of hypercyclic, non–weakly mixing linear operators. In particular, we show that on the space , any sublinear frequency can be realized by a non–weakly mixing operator. A weaker but similar result is obtained for or , . Part of our results is related to some Sidon-type lacunarity properties for sequences of natural numbers.
The class of *-representations of a normed quasi *-algebra (𝔛,𝓐₀) is investigated, mainly for its relationship with the structure of (𝔛,𝓐₀). The starting point of this analysis is the construction of GNS-like *-representations of a quasi *-algebra (𝔛,𝓐₀) defined by invariant positive sesquilinear forms. The family of bounded invariant positive sesquilinear forms defines some seminorms (in some cases, C*-seminorms) that provide useful information on the structure of (𝔛,𝓐₀) and on the continuity...
Let be a tuple of commuting operators on a Banach space . We discuss various conditions equivalent to that the holomorphic (Taylor) functional calculus has an extension to the real-analytic functions or various ultradifferentiable classes. In particular, we discuss the possible existence of a functional calculus for smooth functions. We relate the existence of a possible extension to existence of a certain (ultra)current extension of the resolvent mapping over the (Taylor) spectrum of . If ...
The aim is to investigate certain spectral properties, such as decomposability, the spectral mapping property and the Lyubich-Matsaev property, for linear differential operators with constant coefficients ( and more general Fourier multiplier operators) acting in . The criteria developed for such operators are quite general and p-dependent, i.e. they hold for a range of p in an interval about 2 (which is typically not (1,∞)). The main idea is to construct appropriate functional calculi: this is...
We investigate the relations between local α-times integrated semigroups and (α + 1)-times integrated Cauchy problems, and then the relations between global α-times integrated semigroups and regularized semigroups.