Displaying 4141 – 4160 of 11136

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Improved ball convergence of Newton's method under general conditions

Ioannis K. Argyros, Hongmin Ren (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We present ball convergence results for Newton's method in order to approximate a locally unique solution of a nonlinear operator equation in a Banach space setting. Our hypotheses involve very general majorants on the Fréchet derivatives of the operators involved. In the special case of convex majorants our results, compared with earlier ones, have at least as large radius of convergence, no less tight error bounds on the distances involved, and no less precise information on the uniqueness of...

Improved estimates for the Ginzburg-Landau equation : the elliptic case

Fabrice Bethuel, Giandomenico Orlandi, Didier Smets (2005)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We derive estimates for various quantities which are of interest in the analysis of the Ginzburg-Landau equation, and which we bound in terms of the G L -energy E ε and the parameter ε . These estimates are local in nature, and in particular independent of any boundary condition. Most of them improve and extend earlier results on the subject.

Improved Heinz inequalities via the Jensen functional

Mario Krnić, Josip Pečarić (2013)

Open Mathematics

By virtue of convexity of Heinz means, in this paper we derive several refinements of Heinz norm inequalities with the help of the Jensen functional and its properties. In addition, we discuss another approach to Heinz operator means which is more convenient for obtaining the corresponding operator inequalities for positive invertible operators.

Improved Muckenhoupt-Wheeden inequality and weighted inequalities for potential operators.

Y. Rakotondratsimba (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

By a variant of the standard good λ inequality, we prove the Muckenhoupt-Wheeden inequality for measures which are not necessarily in the Muckenhoupt class. Moreover we can deal with a general potential operator, and consequently we obtain a suitable approach to the two weight inequality for such an operator when one of the weight functions satisfies a reverse doubling condition.

Improving the convergence of iterative methods

Jan Zítko (1983)

Aplikace matematiky

The author considers the operator equation x = T x + b . Methods for acceleration of convergence of the iterative process x n + 1 ) = T x n + b are investigated.

Impulsive boundary value problems for p ( t ) -Laplacian’s via critical point theory

Marek Galewski, Donal O'Regan (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we investigate the existence of solutions to impulsive problems with a p ( t ) -Laplacian and Dirichlet boundary value conditions. We introduce two types of solutions, namely a weak and a classical one which coincide because of the fundamental lemma of the calculus of variations. Firstly we investigate the existence of solution to the linear problem, i.e. a problem with a fixed rigth hand side. Then we use a direct variational method and next a mountain pass approach in order to get the existence...

Impulsive perturbation of C₀-semigroups and stochastic evolution inclusions

N.U. Ahmed (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, we consider a class of infinite dimensional stochastic impulsive evolution inclusions. We prove existence of solutions and study properties of the solution set. It is also indicated how these results can be used in the study of control systems driven by vector measures.

Impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions with multivalued jumps

Nadjet Abada, Ravi P. Agarwal, Mouffak Benchohra, Hadda Hammouche (2011)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper we establish sufficient conditions for the existence of mild solutions and extremal mild solutions for some densely defined impulsive semilinear neutral functional differential inclusions in separable Banach spaces. We rely on a fixed point theorem for the sum of completely continuous and contraction operators.

In a shadow of the RH: Cyclic vectors of Hardy spaces on the Hilbert multidisc

Nikolai Nikolski (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Completeness of a dilation system ( ϕ ( n x ) ) n 1 on the standard Lebesgue space L 2 ( 0 , 1 ) is considered for 2-periodic functions ϕ . We show that the problem is equivalent to an open question on cyclic vectors of the Hardy space H 2 ( 𝔻 2 ) on the Hilbert multidisc 𝔻 2 . Several simple sufficient conditions are exhibited, which include however practically all previously known results (Wintner; Kozlov; Neuwirth, Ginsberg, and Newman; Hedenmalm, Lindquist, and Seip). For instance, each of the following conditions implies cyclicity...

In search of the invisible spectrum

Nikolai Nikolski (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper, we begin the study of the phenomenon of the “invisible spectrum” for commutative Banach algebras. Function algebras, formal power series and operator algebras will be considered. A quantitative treatment of the famous Wiener-Pitt-Sreider phenomenon for measure algebras on locally compact abelian (LCA) groups is given. Also, our approach includes efficient sharp estimates for resolvents and solutions of higher Bezout equations in terms of their spectral bounds. The smallest “spectral...

Including eigenvalues of the plane Orr-Sommerfeld problem

Peter P. Klein (1993)

Applications of Mathematics

In an earlier paper [5] a method for eigenvalue inclussion using a Gerschgorin type theory originating from Donnelly [2] was applied to the plane Orr-Sommerfeld problem in the case of a pure Poiseuile flow. In this paper the same method will be used to deal Poiseuile and Couette flow. Potter [6] has treated this case before with an approximative method.

Increasing sequences of sectorial forms

Hendrik Vogt, Jürgen Voigt (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove convergence results for `increasing' sequences of sectorial forms. We treat both the case of closed forms and the case of non-closable forms.

Currently displaying 4141 – 4160 of 11136