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Pseudo shift operators with large images

M. C. Calderón-Moreno (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give suitable conditions for the existence of many holomorphic functions f on a disc such that the image of any nonempty open subset under the action of pseudo shift operators on f is arbitrarily large. This generalizes an earlier result about images of derivatives and completes another one on infinite order differential operators.

Pseudocomplémentation dans les espaces de Banach

Patric Rauch (1991)

Studia Mathematica

This paper introduces the following definition: a closed subspace Z of a Banach space E is pseudocomplemented in E if for every linear continuous operator u from Z to Z there is a linear continuous extension ū of u from E to E. For instance, every subspace complemented in E is pseudocomplemented in E. First, the pseudocomplemented hilbertian subspaces of L ¹ are characterized and, in L p with p in [1, + ∞[, classes of closed subspaces in which the notions of complementation and pseudocomplementation...

Pseudo-Differential Operators in a Wave Diffraction Problem with Impedance Conditions

Castro, L.P., Kapanadze, D. (2008)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: 35J05, 35J25, 35C15, 47H50, 47G30We consider an impedance boundary-value problem for the Helmholtz equation which models a wave diffraction problem with imperfect conductivity on a strip. Pseudo-differential operators are used to deal with this wave diffraction problem. Therefore, single and double layer potentials allow a reformulation of the problem into a system of integral equations. By using operator theoretical methods, the well-posedness of the problem...

Pseudodifferential operators on non-quasianalytic classes of Beurling type

C. Fernández, A. Galbis, D. Jornet (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce pseudodifferential operators (of infinite order) in the framework of non-quasianalytic classes of Beurling type. We prove that such an operator with (distributional) kernel in a given Beurling class ( ω ) ' is pseudo-local and can be locally decomposed, modulo a smoothing operator, as the composition of a pseudodifferential operator of finite order and an ultradifferential operator with constant coefficients in the sense of Komatsu, both operators with kernel in the same class ( ω ) ' . We also...

Pseudomonotonicity and nonlinear hyperbolic equations

Dimitrios A. Kandilakis (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider a nonlinear hyperbolic boundary value problem. We show that this problem admits weak solutions by using a lifting result for pseudomonotone operators and a surjectivity result concerning coercive and monotone operators.

Pseudo-spectrum for a class of semi-classical operators

Karel Pravda-Starov (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We study in this paper a notion of pseudo-spectrum in the semi-classical setting called injectivity pseudo-spectrum. The injectivity pseudo-spectrum is a subset of points in the complex plane where there exist some quasi-modes with a precise rate of decay. For that reason, these values can be considered as some ‘almost eigenvalues’ in the semi-classical limit. We are interested here in studying the absence of injectivity pseudo-spectrum, which is characterized by a global a priori estimate. We prove...

Pseudotopologies with applications to one-parameter groups, von Neumann algebras, and Lie algebra representations

Jan Rusinek (1993)

Studia Mathematica

For any pair E,F of pseudotopological vector spaces, we endow the space L(E,F) of all continuous linear operators from E into F with a pseudotopology such that, if G is a pseudotopological space, then the mapping L(E,F) × L(F,G) ∋ (f,g) → gf ∈ L(E,G) is continuous. We use this pseudotopology to establish a result about differentiability of certain operator-valued functions related with strongly continuous one-parameter semigroups in Banach spaces, to characterize von Neumann algebras, and to establish...

Pták homomorphism theorem revisited

J. R. Ferrer, M. López Pellicer, L. M. Sánchez Ruiz (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Rodrigues’ extension (1989) of the classical Pták’s homomorphism theorem to a non-necessarily locally convex setting stated that a nearly semi-open mapping between a semi-B-complete space and an arbitrary topological vector space is semi-open. In this paper we study this extension and, as a consequence of the results obtained, provide an improvement of Pták’s homomorphism theorem.

Puissances fractionnaires d'un opérateur générateur d'un semi-groupe distribution régulier

Mikhael Balabane (1976)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On établit un calcul opérationnel, pour les fonctions f ( z ) = ( - z ) α , sur la classe des opérateurs générateurs de semi-groupe distribution régulier : ainsi, pour un opérateur A de cette classe, sont construits des opérateurs ( - A ) α vérifiant ( - A ) α ( - A ) β = ( - A ) α + β . Ces opérateurs engendrent un semi-groupe distribution holomorphe U α généralement non régulier. La majeure partie de l’article porte sur l’étude de la régularité de U α , et des propriétés spectrales de ( - A ) α . On caractérise, par leur propriétés spectrales, les opérateurs A pour lesquels...

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