Displaying 4521 – 4540 of 11136

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L p - L q boundedness of analytic families of fractional integrals

Valentina Casarino, Silvia Secco (2008)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a double analytic family of fractional integrals S z γ , α along the curve t | t | α , introduced for α = 2 by L. Grafakos in 1993 and defined by ( S z γ , α f ) ( x , x ) : = 1 / Γ ( z + 1 / 2 ) | u - 1 | z ψ ( u - 1 ) f ( x - t , x - u | t | α ) d u | t | γ d t / t , where ψ is a bump function on ℝ supported near the origin, f c ( ² ) , z,γ ∈ ℂ, Re γ ≥ 0, α ∈ ℝ, α ≥ 2. We determine the set of all (1/p,1/q,Re z) such that S z γ , α maps L p ( ² ) to L q ( ² ) boundedly. Our proof is based on product-type kernel arguments. More precisely, we prove that the kernel K - 1 + i θ i ϱ , α is a product kernel on ℝ², adapted to the curve t | t | α ; as a consequence, we show that the operator...

L p ( ) boundedness for the commutator of a homogeneous singular integral operator

Guoen Hu (2003)

Studia Mathematica

The commutator of a singular integral operator with homogeneous kernel Ω(x)/|x|ⁿ is studied, where Ω is homogeneous of degree zero and has mean value zero on the unit sphere. It is proved that Ω L ( l o g L ) k + 1 ( S n - 1 ) is a sufficient condition for the kth order commutator to be bounded on L p ( ) for all 1 < p < ∞. The corresponding maximal operator is also considered.

L p type mapping estimates for oscillatory integrals in higher dimensions

G. Sampson (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We show in two dimensions that if K f = ² k ( x , y ) f ( y ) d y , k ( x , y ) = ( e i x a · y b ) / ( | x - y | η ) , p = 4/(2+η), a ≥ b ≥ 1̅ = (1,1), v p ( y ) = y ( p / p ' ) ( 1 ̅ - b / a ) , then | | K f | | p C | | f | | p , v p if η + α₁ + α₂ < 2, α j = 1 - b j / a j , j = 1,2. Our methods apply in all dimensions and also for more general kernels.

L¹ factorizations, moment problems and invariant subspaces

Isabelle Chalendar, Jonathan R. Partington, Rachael C. Smith (2005)

Studia Mathematica

For an absolutely continuous contraction T on a Hilbert space 𝓗, it is shown that the factorization of various classes of L¹ functions f by vectors x and y in 𝓗, in the sense that ⟨Tⁿx,y⟩ = f̂(-n) for n ≥ 0, implies the existence of invariant subspaces for T, or in some cases for rational functions of T. One of the main tools employed is the operator-valued Poisson kernel. Finally, a link is established between L¹ factorizations and the moment sequences studied in the Atzmon-Godefroy method, from...

L¹ representation of Riesz spaces

Bahri Turan (2006)

Studia Mathematica

Let E be a Riesz space. By defining the spaces L ¹ E and L E of E, we prove that the center Z ( L ¹ E ) of L ¹ E is L E and show that the injectivity of the Arens homomorphism m: Z(E)” → Z(E˜) is equivalent to the equality L ¹ E = Z ( E ) ' . Finally, we also give some representation of an order continuous Banach lattice E with a weak unit and of the order dual E˜ of E in L ¹ E which are different from the representations appearing in the literature.

L¹-convergence and hypercontractivity of diffusion semigroups on manifolds

Feng-Yu Wang (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Let P t be the Markov semigroup generated by a weighted Laplace operator on a Riemannian manifold, with μ an invariant probability measure. If the curvature associated with the generator is bounded below, then the exponential convergence of P t in L¹(μ) implies its hypercontractivity. Consequently, under this curvature condition L¹-convergence is a property stronger than hypercontractivity but weaker than ultracontractivity. Two examples are presented to show that in general, however, L¹-convergence...

L₁-uniqueness of degenerate elliptic operators

Derek W. Robinson, Adam Sikora (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Let Ω be an open subset of d with 0 ∈ Ω. Furthermore, let H Ω = - i , j = 1 d i c i j j be a second-order partial differential operator with domain C c ( Ω ) where the coefficients c i j W l o c 1 , ( Ω ̅ ) are real, c i j = c j i and the coefficient matrix C = ( c i j ) satisfies bounds 0 < C(x) ≤ c(|x|)I for all x ∈ Ω. If 0 d s s d / 2 e - λ μ ( s ) ² < for some λ > 0 where μ ( s ) = 0 s d t c ( t ) - 1 / 2 then we establish that H Ω is L₁-unique, i.e. it has a unique L₁-extension which generates a continuous semigroup, if and only if it is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique L₂-extension which generates a submarkovian semigroup. Moreover...

Currently displaying 4521 – 4540 of 11136