Displaying 4981 – 5000 of 11136

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Multidimensional weak resolvents and spatial equivalence of normal operators

Michał Jasiczak (2006)

Studia Mathematica

The aim of this paper is to answer some questions concerning weak resolvents. Firstly, we investigate the domain of extension of weak resolvents Ω and find a formula linking Ω with the Taylor spectrum. We also show that equality of weak resolvents of operator tuples A and B results in isomorphism of the algebras generated by these operators. Although this isomorphism need not be of the form (1) X ↦ U*XU, where U is an isometry, for normal operators it is always possible...

Multifunctions of two variables: examples and counterexamples

Jürgen Appell (1996)

Banach Center Publications

A brief account of the connections between Carathéodory multifunctions, Scorza-Dragoni multifunctions, product-measurable multifunctions, and superpositionally measurable multifunctions of two variables is given.

Multilinear almost diagonal estimates and applications

Árpád Bényi, Nikolaos Tzirakis (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that an almost diagonal condition on the (m + 1)-linear tensor associated to an m-linear operator implies boundedness of the operator on products of classical function spaces. We then provide applications to the study of certain singular integral operators.

Multilinear commutators for fractional integrals in non-homogeneous spaces.

Guoen Hu, Yan Meng, Dachung Yang (2004)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Under the assumption that m is a non-doubling measure on Rd, the authors obtain the (Lp,Lq)-boundedness and the weak type endpoint estimate for the multilinear commutators generated by fractional integrals with RBMO (m) functions of Tolsa or with Osc exp Lr(m) functions for r greater than or equal to 1, where Osc exp Lr(m) is a space of Orlicz type satisfying that Osc exp Lr(m)=RBMO(m) if r=1 and Osc exp Lr(m) is a subset of RBMO(m) if r>1.

Multilinear Hölder-type inequalities on Lorentz sequence spaces

Daniel Carando, Verónica Dimant, Pablo Sevilla-Peris (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We establish Hölder-type inequalities for Lorentz sequence spaces and their duals. In order to achieve these and some related inequalities, we study diagonal multilinear forms in general sequence spaces, and obtain estimates for their norms. We also consider norms of multilinear forms in different Banach multilinear ideals.

Multilinear operators on C ( K , X ) spaces

Ignacio Villanueva (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Given Banach spaces  X , Y and a compact Hausdorff space  K , we use polymeasures to give necessary conditions for a multilinear operator from C ( K , X ) into  Y to be completely continuous (resp.  unconditionally converging). We deduce necessary and sufficient conditions for  X to have the Schur property (resp.  to contain no copy of  c 0 ), and for  K to be scattered. This extends results concerning linear operators.

Multiparameter admissible superadditive processes

Doğan Çömez (2005)

Colloquium Mathematicae

In this article some properties of Markovian mean ergodic operators are studied. As an application of the tools developed, and using the admissibility feature, a “reduction of order” technique for multiparameter admissible superadditive processes is obtained. This technique is later utilized to obtain a.e. convergence of averages n - 2 i , j = 0 n - 1 f ( i , j ) as well as their weighted version.

Multiparameter ergodic Cesàro-α averages

A. L. Bernardis, R. Crescimbeni, C. Ferrari Freire (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Net (X,ℱ,ν) be a σ-finite measure space. Associated with k Lamperti operators on L p ( ν ) , T , . . . , T k , n ̅ = ( n , . . . , n k ) k and α ̅ = ( α , . . . , α k ) with 0 < α j 1 , we define the ergodic Cesàro-α̅ averages n ̅ , α ̅ f = 1 / ( j = 1 k A n j α j ) i k = 0 n k i = 0 n j = 1 k A n j - i j α j - 1 T k i k T i f . For these averages we prove the almost everywhere convergence on X and the convergence in the L p ( ν ) norm, when n , . . . , n k independently, for all f L p ( d ν ) with p > 1/α⁎ where α = m i n 1 j k α j . In the limit case p = 1/α⁎, we prove that the averages n ̅ , α ̅ f converge almost everywhere on X for all f in the Orlicz-Lorentz space Λ ( 1 / α , φ m - 1 ) with φ ( t ) = t ( 1 + l o g t ) m . To obtain the result in the limit case we need to study...

Currently displaying 4981 – 5000 of 11136