Inequalities for the transformation operators and applications.
The paper deals with covering problems and the degree of compactness of operators. The main part is devoted to relationships between entropy moduli and Kolmogorov (resp. Gelfand and approximation) numbers for operators which may be interpreted as counterparts to the classical Bernstein-Jackson inequalities for functions. Certain quantifications of results in the Riesz-Schauder-Theory are given. Finally, the largest distance between “the degree of approximation” and the “degree of compactness” of...
We propose a Halpern-type forward-backward splitting with inertial extrapolation step for finding a zero of the sum of accretive operators in Banach spaces. Strong convergence of the sequence of iterates generated by the method proposed is obtained under mild assumptions. We give some numerical results in compressed sensing to validate the theoretical analysis results. Our result is one of the few available inertial-type methods for zeros of the sum of accretive operators in Banach spaces.
We obtain several characterizations for the classes of Riesz and inessential operators, and apply them to extend the family of Banach spaces for which the essential incomparability class is known, solving partially a problem posed in [6].
The paper develops semilocal convergence of Inexact Newton Method INM for approximating solutions of nonlinear equations in Banach space setting. We employ weak Lipschitz and center-weak Lipschitz conditions to perform the error analysis. The results obtained compare favorably with earlier ones in at least the case of Newton's Method (NM). Numerical examples, where our convergence criteria are satisfied but the earlier ones are not, are also explored.
We provide a semilocal convergence analysis for approximating a solution of an equation in a Banach space setting using an inexact Newton method. By using recurrent functions, we provide under the same or weaker hypotheses: finer error bounds on the distances involved, and an at least as precise information on the location of the solution as in earlier papers. Moreover, if the splitting method is used, we show that a smaller number of inner/outer iterations can be obtained. Furthermore, numerical...
We prove that a compact family of bounded condensing multifunctions has bounded condensing set-theoretic union. Compactness is understood in the sense of the Chebyshev uniform semimetric induced by the Hausdorff distance and condensity is taken w.r.t. the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness. As a tool, we present an estimate for the measure of an infinite union. Then we apply our result to infinite iterated function systems.
We present two results on existence of infinitely many positive solutions to the Neumann problem ⎧ in Ω, ⎨ ⎩ ∂u/∂ν = 0 on ∂Ω, where is a bounded open set with sufficiently smooth boundary ∂Ω, ν is the outer unit normal vector to ∂Ω, p > 1, μ > 0, with and f: Ω × ℝ → ℝ is a Carathéodory function. Our results ensure the existence of a sequence of nonzero and nonnegative weak solutions to the above problem.
We introduce a method to treat a semilinear elliptic equation in (see equation (1) below). This method is of a perturbative nature. It permits us to skip the problem of lack of compactness of but requires an oscillatory behavior of the potential b.
Using the critical point theory and the method of lower and upper solutions, we present a new approach to obtain the existence of solutions to a -Laplacian impulsive problem. As applications, we get unbounded sequences of solutions and sequences of arbitrarily small positive solutions of the -Laplacian impulsive problem.
We study the infinitesimal generators of evolutions of linear mappings on the space of polynomials, which correspond to a special class of Markov processes with polynomial regressions called quadratic harnesses. We relate the infinitesimal generator to the unique solution of a certain commutation equation, and we use the commutation equation to find an explicit formula for the infinitesimal generator of free quadratic harnesses.