Displaying 981 – 1000 of 1121

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Sufficient optimality conditions and semi-smooth newton methods for optimal control of stationary variational inequalities

Karl Kunisch, Daniel Wachsmuth (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper sufficient second order optimality conditions for optimal control problems subject to stationary variational inequalities of obstacle type are derived. Since optimality conditions for such problems always involve measures as Lagrange multipliers, which impede the use of efficient Newton type methods, a family of regularized problems is introduced. Second order sufficient optimality conditions are derived for the regularized problems...

Suitable domains to define fractional integrals of Weyl via fractional powers of operators

Celso Martínez, Antonia Redondo, Miguel Sanz (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We present a new method to study the classical fractional integrals of Weyl. This new approach basically consists in considering these operators in the largest space where they make sense. In particular, we construct a theory of fractional integrals of Weyl by studying these operators in an appropriate Fréchet space. This is a function space which contains the L p ( ) -spaces, and it appears in a natural way if we wish to identify these fractional operators with fractional powers of a suitable non-negative...

Sulle equazioni alle differenze con incrementi variabili.

Constanza Borelli Forti, István Fenyö (1980)


Let X be an arbitrary Abelian group and E a Banach space. We consider the difference-operators ∆n defined by induction:(∆f)(x;y) = f(x+y) - f(x), (∆nf)(x;y1,...,yn) = (∆n-1(∆f)(.;y1)) (x;y2,...,yn)(n = 2,3,4,..., ∆1=∆, x,yi belonging to X, i = 1,2,...,n; f: X --> E).Considering the difference equation (∆nf)(x;y1,y2,...,yn) = d(x;y1,y2,...,yn) with independent variable increments, the most general solution is given explicitly if d: X x Xn --> E is a given bounded function. Also the...

Summation equations with sign changing kernels and applications to discrete fractional boundary value problems

Christopher S. Goodrich (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We consider the summation equation, for t [ μ - 2 , μ + b ] μ - 2 , y ( t ) = γ 1 ( t ) H 1 i = 1 n a i y ξ i + γ 2 ( t ) H 2 i = 1 m b i y ζ i + λ s = 0 b G ( t , s ) f ( s + μ - 1 , y ( s + μ - 1 ) ) in the case where the map ( t , s ) G ( t , s ) may change sign; here μ ( 1 , 2 ] is a parameter, which may be understood as the order of an associated discrete fractional boundary value problem. In spite of the fact that G is allowed to change sign, by introducing a new cone we are able to establish the existence of at least one positive solution to this problem by imposing some growth conditions on the functions H 1 and H 2 . Finally, as an application of the abstract existence result,...

Sums of commuting operators with maximal regularity

Christian Le Merdy, Arnaud Simard (2001)

Studia Mathematica

Let Y be a Banach space and let S L p be a subspace of an L p space, for some p ∈ (1,∞). We consider two operators B and C acting on S and Y respectively and satisfying the so-called maximal regularity property. Let ℬ and be their natural extensions to S ( Y ) L p ( Y ) . We investigate conditions that imply that ℬ + is closed and has the maximal regularity property. Extending theorems of Lamberton and Weis, we show in particular that this holds if Y is a UMD Banach lattice and e - t B is a positive contraction on L p for any...

Supercyclic vectors and the Angle Criterion

Eva A. Gallardo-Gutiérrez, Jonathan R. Partington (2005)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the Angle Criterion for testing supercyclic vectors depends in an essential way on the geometrical properties of the underlying space. In particular, we exhibit non-supercyclic vectors for the backward shift acting on c₀ that still satisfy such a criterion. Nevertheless, if ℬ is a locally uniformly convex Banach space, the Angle Criterion yields an equivalent condition for a vector to be supercyclic. Furthermore, we prove that local uniform convexity cannot be weakened to strict convexity....

Supercyclicity and weighted shifts

Héctor Salas (1999)

Studia Mathematica

An operator (linear and continuous) in a Fréchet space is hypercyclic if there exists a vector whose orbit under the operator is dense. If the scalar multiples of the elements in the orbit are dense, the operator is supercyclic. We give, for Fréchet space operators, a Supercyclicity Criterion reminiscent of the Hypercyclicity Criterion. We characterize the supercyclic bilateral weighted shifts in terms of their weight sequences. As a consequence, we show that a bilateral weighted shift is supercyclic...

Supercyclicity in the operator algebra

Alfonso Montes-Rodríguez, M. Carmen Romero-Moreno (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We prove a Supercyclicity Criterion for a continuous linear mapping that is defined on the operator algebra of a separable Banach space ℬ. Our result extends a recent result on hypercyclicity on the operator algebra of a Hilbert space. This kind of result is a powerful tool to analyze the structure of supercyclic vectors of a supercyclic operator that is defined on ℬ. For instance, as a consequence of the main result, we give a very simple proof of the recently established fact that certain supercyclic...

Currently displaying 981 – 1000 of 1121