Displaying 121 – 140 of 658

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Convolution operators on spaces of holomorphic functions

Tobias Lorson, Jürgen Müller (2015)

Studia Mathematica

A class of convolution operators on spaces of holomorphic functions related to the Hadamard multiplication theorem for power series and generalizing infinite order Euler differential operators is introduced and investigated. Emphasis is placed on questions concerning injectivity, denseness of range and surjectivity of the operators.

Corrections to the paper “The boundedness of certain sublinear operator in the weighted variable Lebesgue spaces“

Rovshan A. Bandaliev (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper the author proved the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent. As an application he proved the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted variable Lebesgue space. The proof of the boundedness of the multidimensional Hardy type operator in weighted Lebesgue spaces with a variable exponent does not contain any mistakes. But in the proof of the boundedness of certain sublinear operators on the weighted...

Décomposition atomique des espaces de Bergman.

Frédéric Symesak (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

The aim of this paper is to establish the theorem of atomic decomposition of weighted Bergman spaces Ap(Ω), where Ω is a domain of finite type in C2. We construct a kernel function H(z,w) which is a reproducing kernel for Ap(Ω) and we prove that the associated integral operator H is bounded in Lp(Ω).

Derivative and antiderivative operators and the size of complex domains

Luis Bernal-González (1994)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove some conditions on a complex sequence for the existence of universal functions with respect to sequences of certain derivative and antiderivative operators related to it. These operators are defined on the space of holomorphic functions in a complex domain. Conditions for the equicontinuity of those sequences are also studied. The conditions depend upon the size of the domain.

Diameter-preserving maps on various classes of function spaces

Bruce A. Barnes, Ashoke K. Roy (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Under some mild assumptions, non-linear diameter-preserving bijections between (vector-valued) function spaces are characterized with the help of a well-known theorem of Ulam and Mazur. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a diameter-preserving bijection between function spaces in the complex scalar case is derived, and a complete description of such maps is given in several important cases.

Dieudonné operators on the space of Bochner integrable functions

Marian Nowak (2011)

Banach Center Publications

A bounded linear operator between Banach spaces is called a Dieudonné operator ( = weakly completely continuous operator) if it maps weakly Cauchy sequences to weakly convergent sequences. Let (Ω,Σ,μ) be a finite measure space, and let X and Y be Banach spaces. We study Dieudonné operators T: L¹(X) → Y. Let i : L ( X ) L ¹ ( X ) stand for the canonical injection. We show that if X is almost reflexive and T: L¹(X) → Y is a Dieudonné operator, then T i : L ( X ) Y is a weakly compact operator. Moreover, we obtain that if T: L¹(X)...

Differences of weighted composition operators from Hardy space to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball

Ze-Hua Zhou, Yu-Xia Liang (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper, we limit our analysis to the difference of the weighted composition operators acting from the Hardy space to weighted-type space in the unit ball of N , and give some necessary and sufficient conditions for their boundedness or compactness. The results generalize the corresponding results on the single weighted composition operators and on the differences of composition operators, for example, M. Lindström and E. Wolf: Essential norm of the difference of weighted composition operators....

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 658