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Paracommutators. Brief introduction, open problems.

Jaak Peetre (1989)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We review the basic facts about the theory of paracommutators in Rn (sec S. Janson, J. Peetre, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 305 (1988), 467504). We also give an interpretation of paracommutators from the point of view of group representations. This suggests a generalization to more general groups. Here we sketch a theory of paracommutators over stratified groups. This include the famous Heisenberg group. Finally, we take up the question of generalizing the notion of Schatten-von Neumann trace ideals to...

Partially defined σ-derivations on semisimple Banach algebras

Tsiu-Kwen Lee, Cheng-Kai Liu (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a semisimple Banach algebra with a linear automorphism σ and let δ: I → A be a σ-derivation, where I is an ideal of A. Then Φ(δ)(I ∩ σ(I)) = 0, where Φ(δ) is the separating space of δ. As a consequence, if I is an essential ideal then the σ-derivation δ is closable. In a prime C*-algebra, we show that every σ-derivation defined on a nonzero ideal is continuous. Finally, any linear map on a prime semisimple Banach algebra with nontrivial idempotents is continuous if it satisfies the σ-derivation...

Perturbations of operators similar to contractions and the commutator equation

C. Badea (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Let T and V be two Hilbert space contractions and let X be a linear bounded operator. It was proved by C. Foiaş and J. P. Williams that in certain cases the operator block matrix R(X;T,V) (equation (1.1) below) is similar to a contraction if and only if the commutator equation X = TZ-ZV has a bounded solution Z. We characterize here the similarity to contractions of some operator matrices R(X;T,V) in terms of growth conditions or of perturbations of R(0;T,V) = T ⊕ V.

Polynomially compact derivations on Banach algebras

Matej Brešar, Yuri V. Turovskii (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We consider a continuous derivation D on a Banach algebra 𝓐 such that p(D) is a compact operator for some polynomial p. It is shown that either 𝓐 has a nonzero finite-dimensional ideal not contained in the radical rad(𝓐) of 𝓐 or there exists another polynomial p̃ such that p̃(D) maps 𝓐 into rad(𝓐). A special case where Dⁿ is compact is discussed in greater detail.

Produits finis de commutateurs dans les C * -algèbres

Pierre de La Harpe, Georges Skandalis (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient A une C * -algèbre approximativement finie simple avec unité, G L 1 ( A ) le groupe des inversibles et U 1 ( A ) le groupe des unitaires de A . Nous avons défini dans un précédent travail un homomorphisme Δ T , appelé déterminant universel de A , de G L 1 ( A ) sur un groupe abélien associé à A . Nous montrons ici que, pour qu’un élément x dans G L 1 ( A ) ou dans U 1 ( A ) soit produit d’un nombre fini de commutateurs, il (faut et il) suffit que x Ker ( Δ T ) . Ceci permet en particulier d’identifier le noyau de la projection canonique K 1 ( A ) K 1 top ( A ) . On établit aussi...

Properties of derivations on some convolution algebras

Thomas Pedersen (2014)

Open Mathematics

For all convolution algebras L 1[0, 1); L loc1 and A(ω) = ∩n L 1(ωn), the derivations are of the form D μ f = Xf * μ for suitable measures μ, where (Xf)(t) = tf(t). We describe the (weakly) compact as well as the (weakly) Montel derivations on these algebras in terms of properties of the measure μ. Moreover, for all these algebras we show that the extension of D μ to a natural dual space is weak-star continuous.

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